
VIDEO. Euro d’athlétisme : de l’Afrique du Sud à Metz, dans le sillage de Quentin Bigot, de retour depuis mai après 20 mois d’absence

Published on 08/06/2024 15:34

Duration of the video: 3 min

Lancer du marteau : au plus près de la préparation de Quentin Bigot

In the running for the European Athletics Championships, Quentin Bigot is looking to perform well ahead of the Olympic Games. Our teams have followed him during his preparation.

Operated on for a lumbar hernia at the beginning of 2023, the vice-world champion in hammer throw in 2019 has doubled his efforts to be ready for the European Championship and especially the 2024 Olympic Games.

On May 16, 2024, Quentin Bigot, vice-world champion in hammer throw in 2019 in Doha, made his return to competition after a 20-month absence. The reason? A lumbar hernia operated on at the beginning of 2023. « I couldn’t get up anymore, I couldn’t feel the sole of my foot, » says the 31-year-old athlete.
Now free of pain, Quentin Bigot has begun his preparation for the Paris Olympic Games in Metz, where he trains daily, but also in South Africa. « There are no more consequences, nothing today. We have succeeded in our challenge. I can express myself as I did before, without fear, and that really does me good, » he admits. This was evident at the European Championships in Rome on Saturday, June 8. With a throw at 75.29m, the Frenchman qualified for the final.