Lucie Bernardoni, known for her role as a repeater on the Star Academy, recently made a drastic decision in response to a wave of hate directed towards her on social media. The upcoming season 12 of the Star Academy is set to premiere this fall on TF1, with Lucie returning as a repeater at the Château de Damarrie-les-Lys. However, she faced criticism on Twitter for allegedly “putting herself too much in the spotlight.” In response, Lucie emphasized the importance of love and kindness, urging people not to judge others without knowing their struggles.
Feeling overwhelmed by the negativity on Twitter, Lucie announced on Instagram that she would be leaving the platform, at least temporarily. She emphasized the impact of words and the need to treat others with respect, regardless of their status. Lucie also decided to focus her social media presence on Instagram and Facebook, opting to leave TikTok as well. With a following of 267,000 people, she expressed her commitment to promoting simple and kind values in her interactions online.
Despite facing criticism and hate, Lucie remains steadfast in her belief in spreading positivity and understanding. She has chosen to prioritize her mental well-being and peace of mind by removing herself from a toxic environment. Lucie’s decision to step away from Twitter serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care and setting boundaries, especially in the face of online negativity. By choosing to focus on platforms where she feels supported and valued, Lucie is taking a stand for her own well-being and advocating for a more compassionate online community.