
Résultat européennes Saint-Meen le Grand (35290) – Election 2024

In a recent election update in Saint-Meen-le-Grand (35290), the results of the 2024 European elections have been announced. The top candidates and their respective scores are as follows:

– **Jordan BARDELLA** from the Rassemblement National: 35.58%
– **Valérie HAYER** from the Ensemble: 22.70%
– **Raphaël GLUCKSMANN** from the Union à Gauche: 10.74%
– **François-Xavier BELLAMY** from Les Républicains: 8.28%
– **Marion MARÉCHAL** from Reconquête!: 4.85%
– **Manon AUBRY** from La France insoumise: 4.27%
– **Marie TOUSSAINT** from Les Ecologistes: 2.98%
– **Léon DEFFONTAINES** from the Parti communiste français: 2.26%
– **Jean LASSALLE** from divers droite: 1.94%
– **François ASSELINEAU** from Divers: 1.36%

The voter turnout in Saint-Meen-le-Grand was recorded at 54.31%, with an abstention rate of 45.69%. Additionally, 1.78% of votes were blank, and 3.14% were null, with a total of 1,626 voters participating in the election.

This election outcome reflects the diverse political landscape and voter preferences in Saint-Meen-le-Grand. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis on the European elections in this region.