
Pierre Cardin, the iconic fashion designer known for his futuristic aesthetic, left behind more than just a legacy of groundbreaking designs. His empire, including the extraordinary Palais Bulles in Théoule-sur-Mer, has become the center of a heated succession battle between family members, colleagues, and friends.

Palais Bulles: A Unique Architectural Marvel

Perched on the rocks of Théoule-sur-Mer, the Palais Bulles resembles a spaceship that has landed from another world. Designed by the Hungarian architect Antti Lovag, this maze of pink bubbles with portholes is a testament to organic architecture, inspired by troglodyte dwellings and the human body. When Pierre Cardin first laid eyes on the Palais Bulles in the early 1990s, he saw it as a tribute to his own “Cardin style.” After all, the couturier had gained fame through his innovative bubble dress and a range of garments that drew inspiration from space exploration, such as Cosmocorps and Cosmobulles reminiscent of Star Trek.

In 1992, Cardin acquired the palace, expanded it, and filled it with treasures like Picasso plates and gold eggs sculpted by Lucio Fontana. The Palais Bulles became a haven of happiness and unity for his extensive family, comprising twenty-one nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, and grand-nephews. Cardin, who had no children of his own, cherished moments of togetherness at the property, especially during Ferragosto, the Italian celebration on August 15. Memories of swimming in the estate’s three pools and enjoying leisurely lunches on the terrace over caprese salads still linger among his relatives.

Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin: A New Chapter Unfolds

Following Cardin’s passing in December 2020 at the age of 98 due to Covid-19, a new chapter began at the Palais Bulles under the stewardship of Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin, the couturier’s grand-nephew and CEO of Pierre Cardin Evolution. With a workforce of seventy employees in France and a global annual revenue exceeding 600 million euros across eighty countries, Rodrigo has taken on the responsibility of revitalizing the brand and preserving his great-uncle’s legacy.

As Rodrigo gazes out at the sea, reflecting on his cousins who have relinquished their claims, a sense of duty and nostalgia envelops him. The Palais Bulles, once a hub of family gatherings and joy, now stands as a besieged fortress amidst the turmoil of the Cardin family’s succession feud. While private events still grace its unique spaces overlooking the Cannes bay, the grand familial gatherings of yesteryear are but a distant memory.

The Battle for Succession

The once vibrant and bustling Palais Bulles now sits in silence, its ten suites spread across 1,200 square meters bearing witness to the ongoing strife within the Cardin clan. What was once a beacon of unity and celebration now symbolizes the discord and division that has plagued the family since Cardin’s passing. Rodrigo, with his towering presence and determined gaze, stands at the helm of this conflict, striving to honor his great-uncle’s vision while steering the brand towards a new era.

While the Palais Bulles remains a sought-after venue for exclusive events, the familial gatherings that once filled its halls with laughter and joy have become a thing of the past. The legacy of Pierre Cardin, once a unifying force for his family, now stands as a point of contention as different factions within the Cardin dynasty vie for control and ownership of his vast empire.

In the wake of Pierre Cardin’s departure, the future of his fashion house hangs in the balance, with Rodrigo Basilicati-Cardin facing the daunting task of upholding his great-uncle’s innovative spirit and creative vision. As the sun sets over the Palais Bulles, casting a golden glow over its unique architecture, the echoes of Cardin’s legacy reverberate through its walls, reminding all who pass through its doors of the enduring impact of a true visionary.