The Federal government should in the future be allowed to co-decide, as soon as an Investor comes not from the EU, would like to buy a minimum of ten percent of a German company. Assuming the company is a sensitive area. So far, the foreign trade and payments regulation (AWV) provides for this case a participation of at least 25 percent.

A draft for an amendment to the foreign trade and payments regulation is to be decided at the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, writes the “Handelsblatt”. This would correspond to a stricter regulation than in the past of Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) favoured. He wanted to lower the threshold to 15 percent.

The sharper say should only apply to safety-related areas, such as arms manufacturers, or the so-called critical infrastructures. Energy and water utilities, providers of financial and hospital software, but also food producers include, for example, if they exceed a certain size. Newly added media companies to come.

fear of technological closeout

The new regulation of the foreign trade and payments regulation is primarily a response to the Chinese investment policy. The country wants to become the global industry giants and buys for years in large-scale shares of German companies. According to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Chinese investors are buying mainly in industries, the domains of the German industry.

In Germany is growing concern that China is buying up specifically German key technologies to its own development. A strategy paper of the Chinese government (“Made in China 2025”), the country in the coming years, the world’s leading industrial location.

According to the authors of the Bertelsmann study, the Chinese investors had shown so far, but long-term interest in their companies, investments and part location guarantees issued.

The “Handelsblatt”, according to be tested per year, around 80 to 100 acquisition projects. So far, no one had been prohibited. However, the mere Venüsbet presumption that a transfer is prohibited, not to scare money donors, such as the case of the Westphalian machine manufacturer Leifeld show rich. In this context, the German industry warns that Germany must remain attractive to investors.

Loew / AFP