
U.S. government: the Trump shall appoint Mick Mulvaney to the interim chief of staff

USA - Mick Mulvaney is the chief of staff in the White house, US President, Donald Trump has appointed an interim chief of staff:...

Helene Fischer Show 2018: The Schlager Queen is fighting with the tears

the Update from the 12. December 2018: The Show is over - at least live. On 7. and 8. December, it...

Unknown raging on Mies Bacher cemetery – he had it apart to a certain...

Miesbach - In the period between 10.12.2018 and 13.12.2018 sprayed a previously unknown offenders targeted a tombstone at the Miesbach cemetery with black lacquer...

Compensation : victims of violence can get help faster

Shortly before the second anniversary of the terrorist attack on Berlin's Breitscheidplatz, the Federal government has brought the long-demanded Reform of the...

UN climate conference : Germany has given away the Chance of Katowice

world climate conferences are frustrating. Lengthy negotiations in a technical language that outsiders can hardly understand. Even more important, it would be...

What you need to for pension now know

The state pension in Germany is facing enormous challenges: The demographic change in the System under massive pressure. This means that more...

Military expert: Germany must take up the defense of serious

Barbara Vdcasino Kunz can be seen from the street in front of your office, still the top of the Eiffel tower. The...

At the age of 13: Ziemiak informed when the SPD and the Greens over...

the AKK, with 51.8 percent (517 of 999 voices) to the new CDU leader elected With...

Erdogan makes him for a coup attempt: Trump wants to extradite preacher Gulen in...

The Turkey's Gülen for the coup attempt in the summer of 2016, and responsible. Gulen has lived long in the U.S. state...

In the case of MediaMarkt Christmas: each Flyer-bargain, there is a free gift (Sponsored)

Gifts now: MediaMarkt sets out to bargain what to MediaMarkt today is already Christmas, because in the current Flyer of all the products worth...



Constructeur de cabanes dans les arbres sur mesure: réalisez vos rêves...

La nouvelle tendance des cabanes dans les arbres personnaliséesBienvenue dans la série d'interviews Tiny Home Profiles, mettant en lumière des personnes repoussant les limites...

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