
Clara Héraut Wins the 2024 Bad Seeds Prize

Clara Héraut, the author of three novels, has been named the winner of the 2024 Bad Seeds Prize. The Bad Seeds Prize, which has been awarded for the past four years, honors a young adult book that addresses “striking and necessary subjects, told by characters who have experienced a traumatic event, approached with hope and resilience.” The jury, consisting of booksellers Emma Baudelet and Laure François, proofreader Elise Vincent, and high school student Pia de Charnac, selected Clara Héraut’s novel “Nos plus belles années” from the 2024 shortlist.

Published by Andara (Quebec) and Hachette Romans, the book explores the breakdown of a friendship between two young girls as they begin their higher education after encountering a dangerous boy. The novel has sold 9,300 copies according to GFK.

Clara Héraut received her award at the Le Divan Perché bookstore in Paris and will be participating in a roundtable discussion on resilience alongside the 2023 winner, Esmé Planchon, on Friday, June 7th.

The Bad Seeds Prize is organized by Soline, Cécile, Juliette, Fanny, Romane, and Emeline, students in the M1 Publishing and Communication Engineering program at the University of Cergy Paris.