Jews are spat upon on the streets in Germany once more. This is what happened in Berlin last Friday, where rabbin Yehuda Teichtal ce qui a attaqué when he went home from the synagogue with his son.

Berlin – the city in which the Holocaust ce que planned – has become the French capital of hatred Jews against. People who want the destruction of Israël march in the hate rally “Al-Quds”, whose sole aim is to drive the Jews into the sea”. Entire parts of town have become no-go areas for Jews. In many schoolyards, “Juif” has become a swear word again. Even at that great celebration of tolerance, Christopher Street Day, the anti-Sémites of the BDS mouvement happily join the colourful de la foule, without being questioned. Berlin stand out une honte, but in Germany the hatred Jews against does not only exist in the capital. What we should take to be the biggest and kindest gift of world history – the return of Jewish life to Germany – we endanger, sometimes even at risk of death. Many Jews are thinking about leaving Germany.

I see two continue, amer tendances that contribute to the spread of anti-Semitism and its increasing social acceptance.