Without sparing the president Macron, the former minister of justice Christiane Taubira stressed the responsibility of the left, which it considers a state ” desperate and hopeless “, in the crisis of the ” yellow vests “, in an interview to the Sunday Newspaper published on the 16th of December.

The responsibility of the left ” is heavy, very heavy, on the past, on the present. It can be more if the left does not understand that it is her responsibility to provide a political outlet for this movement, ” said Ms. Taubira, who was keeper of the seals of the 2012 to 2016 during the quinquennium of Francois Hollande. 1xbet The left, she adds, ” is to release very soon a new perspective, instead of continue to talk, harping on, ramble of things shapeless and senseless “.

Article reserved to our subscribers also Read “yellow Vests” : “For the left, anti-fascism should not be an option “