Going for a century and a half the spaniards do, suffer or vote for the PSOE, so that I won’t get I to omen of his death. However, in the EU the parties of the Socialist International have disappeared or are giving boqueadas. And there is no event as spectacular as that of France, the mirror in which he looked always the party of Pablo Iglesias Posse, well, Milanobet through the path of the marxist jules Guesde, a populist tendency criminosa. Those who saw the enthronement of the detestable Mitterrand, enjoyed it. That is how we see the cowardice of Macron can force our neighbor to choose between Le Pen and Mélenchon, we must regret it. But if the EU has been built on the model social democrat, estatalista and metomentodista, it is obvious that the crisis in the EU is indistinguishable from that model unsustainable. The SPD than Helmut Schmidt could have happened to the CDU.

it Is difficult for Merkel and the CDU to survive his identification with the SPD Schröder.

There are those who hold that if the PSOE does not sank with parties social democrats was because Shoemaker created the first populism of the left, comunistoide, separatist and guerracivilista. No one will deny seeing Sanchez. But that trend was already in the PSOE Gonzalez, dormant since 1987 and, brazen since 1993, when he took the doberman for a walk and signed the pact of the Tinell. Only a healthy superstition prevented him from touching the mummy of Franco. But in the Tinell is the model of the sanchismo. The difference is that there is chaired by a gatazo cunning as Tigrekán or a dull sibylline as ZP, ambassador of the communist and narcoasesino Mature. is The tiger popular-frontist mount Falconetti , which leads to the socialist party for the disaster.

The last chance to mitigate the forehand may electoral the had day before yesterday, pretending to be innocent and atizándole to the Round with the 155 . Is that Lambán in Sijena and Page in Toledo, but was not able to break with the Round and it is impossible to agree with him. Fulfill a stupid promise -he believed deference – to the catanazi, you are going to Catalonia with a thousand police, because the boys can leave sold to the catalans, not to S. M. Falcon. Vanity progress called “building bridges” to build in the void’s hostile mine shaft Torra. So it will not be right, but his covenant with the separatism which will sink to the PSOE, that carajillo cold with drops of democracy.

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