Angulas by more than 1,100 euros per kilo at the gates of the NavidadEstos are the foods that most are more costly this Christmas

The gifts, meals, and the preparations for the menus of Christmas and New Year dinners, christmas Eve and new year’s Eve pose an extra expense of face-to-Christmas . For those who prefer to organize meetings at home and try to surprise the diners, the seafood is king, but buy on these dates can make a big hole in the family economy.

What is the best day to buy seafood before Christmas? What days we should not go to market for these foods? With the idea of helping consumers solve these questions before Christmas, has analyzed the prices of these products in Mercamadrid and Mercabarna during the month of December of last year and compared it with the prices that we can already see in the shops.

less than 15 days for the first appointment of this christmas, prices of seafood have increased over last year 50% in products as the lobster (40 euros per kilo on December 7, 2017-compared to 60 euros per kilo a year after), 35% in the case of the prawns and 27.2% in the case of the lobster . There is some product that has not increased the price, but has a reduced cost with respect to December of last year, in particular the mussels and barnacles , which has fallen from 11,11% to 28% with respect to last year.

The analysis of the prices of the seafood during the month of December, 2017, shows that the week more expensive to buy this product is the christmas Eve. In particular, the past year the highest prices were the days 13, 20, 21, 22 and 23 December . The purchase, in general, was much more cheap the days previous to the 19th of December, and in particular, on Monday.

throughout the month of December last year, prices rose more notably Piabet in the case of seafood, most defendants. Among the most became more expensive we found the goose barnacles of galicia, which increased by 79,5 € cost per kilo; the lobster, from 40 to 90 euros, or the fresh prawns, with a rise in the price of 51,50 euros per kilo. Percentage-wise, crayfish, spider crabs and razor clams tripled its price; while the barnacles gallegos, prawns, clams fine, lobster red, scallops or crabs came to doubling its prices in December. On the contrary, the mussels, the lobster and the cultured clams are the least harmed by rising prices.