
The weather forecast for Thursday, June 13, 2024, predicts rising maximum temperatures across various regions in Morocco. Here is what to expect according to the General Directorate of Meteorology:

– The inland plains, the south of Oriental, the Southeast, and the interior of the southern provinces will experience quite hot weather.
– The High and Middle Atlas may see partly cloudy skies with possible rain showers.
– Dense low clouds with local drizzle are expected between Tiznit and Tan-Tan.
– Local misty formations are likely on the northern and central plains and the Mediterranean coast.
– Fairly strong wind gusts are forecasted on the Central coast, the western parts of the southern provinces, and the south of Oriental, potentially causing local dust storms.
– Minimum temperatures will range from 08/15°C in the Atlas and Rif, 19/25°C in the extreme south and southeast of the country, and 13/20°C elsewhere.
– Maximum temperatures are expected to increase across the board.
– The sea will be calm to slightly choppy in the Mediterranean and the Strait, choppy to rough north of Casablanca, and rough to locally strong between Essaouira and Tan-Tan.

As the temperatures rise, it is important to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to stay cool during the hot weather. Make sure to check the local weather updates and follow any safety advisories issued by the authorities. Stay safe and enjoy the sunny day ahead!