The president’s promise to increase the income of workers at the minimum wage of 100 euros poses many challenges. PHILIPPE WOJAZER / REUTERS

” The salary of a worker at the minimum wage will increase to 100 euros per month, starting in 2019, without that it costs a euro more for the employer. “It was the announcement flagship of Emmanuel Macron in a televised speech, broadcast on Monday, December 10, to respond to the persistent protest of the” yellow vests “.

But behind a simple formula, the government barely to translate the promise into the facts it will hit a maximum of employees and the amount of “100 euros” per month to the appointment. So well that, six days later, ” everything is for the study “, stated the president of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand, in an interview in the Journal du dimanche (JDD). Decryption of a puzzle in three questions.

1. How to meet the commitment of “100 euros” per month ?

The government has been clear on one point : there is no question of raising the minimum wage in itself of 100 euros per month. It will grow well of 1.8 % on 1 January 2019, but it is only the strict indexation provided for by law. Anyway, Emmanuel Macron is committed not to make the employers contribution.

The boost promised must therefore be done by other means. A government source has first assured the World, on Tuesday, 11 December, that the figure of 100 euros included two different measures :

the decline in contributions in 2018, , which represents a little more than 20 euros per month for a worker earning the smic full-time ;

the rise of the maximum amount of the premium activity of 80 euros net . This assistance was initially expected to increase four times of 20 euros, from 2018 to 2021. It should eventually increase to about 60 euro at the beginning of 2019, after a first increase of € 20 in October 2018.

But this presentation has evolved in the days that followed. In the Face of critics pointing that the decline in contributions had already been put in place, the prime minister, Edouard Philippe, was finally clarified on Thursday 13 November at the national Assembly that ” these 100 euro are in addition to the decline in contributions, implemented in 2018 “. “This means that between January 2018 and January 2019, the increase will be rather of the order of 125 euros,” he added.

Several other leaders of the majority are put in tune since. The growth in terms of purchasing power will be well of 100 euros “between December 2018 and January 2019,” confirmed to the World Friday, December 14, Patrick Mignola, mp (MoDem) of Savoy. “The commitment of the president will be held, the Parliament will be the guarantor – there will be no carabistouille ! “also provides Richard Ferrand in the JDD Sunday, December 16.

For the time being, we do Betboo not know, however, not precisely how will the government arrive at this figure of “100 euros per month in” additional income for employees at the level of the smic.

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