
In the second district of Mayenne, Grégory Boisseau, a 45-year-old social mediator, has been endorsed by the New Popular Front on the left. In 2022, under the Nupes banner, he made it to the second round before being defeated by the incumbent majority deputy Géraldine Bannier. For the upcoming legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, Grégory Boisseau will have Marie-Laure Le Mée-Clavreul, deputy mayor of Laval in charge of education, as his substitute.

Following François Hollande’s « I am a normal president » statement, the ecologist Grégory Boisseau is playing the card of being a « normal candidate. » His strategy is to show that he is connected to the grassroots. « The morning after June 30 and July 7, I will be back at work by 8 am. The other night, after coming home at 10:30 pm from a work meeting for the elections, I hung out laundry, I do things that everyone does, » smiled the candidate. Trying to convince abstainers and young people who voted far-right in the European elections is one of the missions that Grégory Boisseau wants to accomplish with his substitute. Even though there is no specific electorate to win over. « We need to talk to everyone. When we see that even in the national education system, we have teachers voting for the far-right, that’s when we realize that we haven’t done things right for years. In 2002, my generation was on the streets protesting against Jean-Marie Le Pen who was in the second round of the presidential election. Twenty years later, 40% of people in my age group voted for the National Rally in the European elections, » he explained.

Regarding the criticism of Géraldine Bannier by other elected officials, « It makes me laugh. » The opponent of Grégory Boisseau is also the incumbent majority deputy, Géraldine Bannier. In 2022, she had already won despite the presence of a dissident candidate in the first round [Christophe Langouët for LREM] and the criticisms from several center-right elected officials about the parliamentarian’s personality. « I often hear elected officials criticize her for her absence. It makes me laugh today to see them all defending her. I can’t wait to see that. They may have also realized the seriousness of the situation regarding the National Rally, » Grégory Boisseau concluded. In the event of defeat in the first round on June 30, the left candidate has already announced that he will call on people to vote for Géraldine Bannier to counter the far-right.

To add value to the readers, it is important to note that the strategy of presenting oneself as a ‘normal candidate’ can be a powerful tool to connect with voters who are tired of traditional politicians. By emphasizing everyday activities and a down-to-earth approach, candidates like Grégory Boisseau can humanize themselves and appeal to a wider audience. Additionally, the mention of addressing abstentionists and voters who lean towards the far-right highlights the importance of engaging with all segments of society to build a strong and inclusive political movement. This approach not only demonstrates a commitment to democratic values but also shows a willingness to bridge divides and work towards a more united community.