
Survivors of the Holocaust Warn Young People Against Rise of Far-Right

In a powerful message to young voters, survivors of the Holocaust urged the youth to prevent the rise of the far-right during the European elections this week. The eight individuals, aged 81 to 102, highlighted the importance of these elections and the potential impact of extremist parties gaining ground across the European Union.

The upcoming elections, taking place from June 6 to 9, are expected to witness a significant shift towards the right in many countries, with far-right populist parties gaining momentum. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is polling at around 15% of the votes, indicating a potential increase from the previous election in 2019.

Ruth Winkelmann, 95, shared her concerns about the AfD, drawing parallels between their ideology and that of the Nazis from the 1930s. She emphasized the need to stand against such extremist views, based on her own experiences as a child witnessing anti-Semitic violence in Berlin.

Another survivor, Walter Frankenstein, 99, echoed the sentiments of defending democracy and emphasized the importance of active participation in the electoral process. He highlighted the similarities between the current political climate and the rise of extremism in the 1930s, stressing the need to learn from history.

The survivors also cautioned against complacency among young voters, especially as the AfD gains popularity among the youth in Germany. With recent surveys indicating increased support for the party among the younger demographic, the survivors emphasized the importance of upholding democratic values and resisting radical ideologies.

As the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles, with a median age of 86, these individuals serve as a poignant reminder of the consequences of intolerance and hatred. Their message resonates with a sense of urgency, urging the youth to take a stand against the resurgence of far-right ideologies and to safeguard the principles of democracy for future generations.

In a world where extremist views continue to pose a threat, the voices of survivors offer a unique perspective on the importance of remembrance, education, and collective action to prevent history from repeating itself. The legacy of the Holocaust serves as a stark warning against the dangers of radicalism and discrimination, calling upon us to uphold the values of tolerance, inclusivity, and peace.