
Alain Minc, a former mentor of Emmanuel Macron, has expressed his strong disapproval of the recent decision to dissolve the government. He believes that this move was made out of pride and could lead to chaos or the rise of the National Rally party. Minc warns that if the National Rally were to come close to a majority in the Assembly, a presidential election would be inevitable within six months. He suggests that Gérard Larcher would be a natural candidate to lead the moderate camp in such a scenario.

In a recent interview, Minc compared the situation to a game of Russian roulette, criticizing Macron for risking the country’s future for his own personal ambitions. He suggests that Macron’s previous political maneuvers were more focused on his personal destiny rather than the wellbeing of the nation.

Minc’s warning raises concerns about the potential consequences of the government dissolution and the impact it could have on the political landscape in France. The possibility of the National Rally gaining more power is a cause for alarm for those who support moderation and stability in the government.

It is crucial for leaders to consider the long-term implications of their decisions and prioritize the interests of the country over personal gain. Minc’s insights serve as a reminder of the importance of responsible governance and strategic planning in times of political uncertainty.

As the political situation continues to evolve, it is essential for citizens to stay informed and actively engage in the democratic process. By remaining vigilant and holding leaders accountable, the public can help shape a more stable and prosperous future for France.

In conclusion, Alain Minc’s warning highlights the potential risks associated with the recent government dissolution and serves as a call to action for all citizens to participate in shaping the future of their country. It is a reminder of the importance of responsible leadership and strategic decision-making in maintaining political stability and safeguarding the interests of the nation.