
Postal Service Delays Frustrate La Poste Users in Loiret, France

Residents in Loiret, France are experiencing frustration due to delays in postal service. Some mail carriers have changed their routes, leading to disruptions in mail delivery. The relocation of a post office in Orléans, reorganization efforts, and increased workload due to elections have all contributed to the delays. As a result, many residents have reported not receiving mail for several weeks.

One resident from the Argonne/Saint-Marc neighborhood shared their concerns, stating, “When will we receive our mail? Are we trapped in an endless day?” Expressing their frustration, they wrote to La Rep: “We don’t know how to make things move. We can only wait with resignation.” The resident criticized the new organization of mail sorting and delivery implemented by La Poste, claiming that it has resulted in empty mailboxes.

The delays in postal service have left residents feeling frustrated and powerless. Despite efforts to address the issues, many are still waiting for their mail to arrive. The lack of communication and transparency from La Poste has only added to the frustration, leaving residents wondering when they will finally receive their overdue mail.

In response to the complaints, La Poste has acknowledged the challenges they are facing and assured residents that they are working to improve the situation. They have promised to review the changes made to mail sorting and delivery processes and make necessary adjustments to ensure timely delivery of mail. Additionally, they have urged residents to reach out to customer service for any specific concerns or inquiries regarding their mail delivery.

While the delays continue to persist, residents are hopeful that La Poste will address the issues promptly and restore efficient mail service in Loiret. In the meantime, they are advised to stay patient and vigilant in monitoring their mailboxes for any overdue deliveries.