
Gaëtan Roussel at ODP Festival in Talence: « Giving to Others is Also Receiving A Lot »

The 9th edition of the ODP Talence festival will kick off next Thursday in Parc Peixotto. Organized in support of the Œuvre des pupilles des sapeurs-pompiers, this large musical and popular event has several sponsors, including host Éric Jean-Jean, singer Hervé, and musician Gaëtan Roussel who will take the stage on Saturday, the 15th, with Louise Attaque. In an interview, Gaëtan Roussel shared his thoughts on the festival and his involvement.

« I have been to the ODP Talence festival twice with my solo project, and this will be the third concert with Louise Attaque. It’s a beautiful story, an adventure that continues. I was touched by the project of this festival for the Œuvre des pupilles. We met, we connected… It’s always a unique meeting, blending music and connections, » Roussel expressed.

Five years ago, Roussel was asked to become a sponsor of the festival. He mentioned, « It’s a partly symbolic role, but the idea is to help the cause by raising awareness. It’s also about listening to the needs of the festival, making calls when necessary to sensitize other artists. It’s about allowing your name to be used to amplify the festival’s resonance, its charitable commitment, and to help. »

Roussel also shared his experiences of quietly visiting children in hospitals, stating, « Playing a few songs in a hospital brings joy to patients, caregivers, families… Giving some of your time and being attentive to others is also receiving a lot. Nothing is one-sided in these encounters: I have learned a lot through looks and silences in moments like these. »

The ODP Festival in Talence will feature artists like Colt, Skip the Use, Shaka Ponk, Santa, Imany, Patrick Bruel, Hervé, and Louise Attaque. Additionally, a free showcase on Sunday will include performances by Stéphane, Pierre de Maere, Joseph Kamel, Eddy de Pretto, and Charlotte Cardin. More information and tickets are available at