
On Thursday, June 13, 2024, Cyril Hanouna showed his frustration during his show. And he lost his temper.

The show « Touche pas à mon poste » continues to make headlines. With Cyril Hanouna at the helm, the program on C8 is sometimes the scene of strong tensions. Some viewers also do not hesitate to confront the host. Last October, a young man interrupted the show. While the host was interviewing chef Norbert Tarayre, a spectator stood up and approached Cyril Hanouna. Using crutches, he first explained that he was « agoraphobic. » Visibly moved, he began to tell his personal story: « Two years ago I came here and had a live crisis, I don’t want it to happen again. » Clearly disturbed, the young man added: « A year ago I had a serious accident, and I was completely paralyzed, but thanks to you, I survived. » Cyril Hanouna cannot tolerate interruptions in his show However, Cyril Hanouna later learned that it was actually a « stunt » and the young man had not actually been in an accident. This intervention greatly displeased the host and the panelists. « It’s okay to make jokes, but don’t make fun of crutches because there are people who really need them. Make your joke and leave without crutches at least. Idiot! » shouted Raymond Aabou. These interruptions disrupt the rhythm of the show, which is meticulously planned. No event should disturb the smooth running of the program. The host loses his temper But on Thursday, June 13, 2024, nothing went as planned. Indeed, Cyril Hanouna held his end-of-year class council before the panelists went on vacation. Interrupted by someone who wanted to apologize to Gilles Verdez, the star host of the eighth channel lost track of his show. Although he had his notes, Cyril Hanouna couldn’t keep his cool and insults were thrown. « This is starting to piss me off! » « Well, damn! » he said. However, the host managed to regain control of his program. Politicians flock to TPMP That evening, Cyril Hanouna welcomed four figures from French politics, which is currently in crisis. There were Eric Ciotti, potentially excluded president of The Republicans, Sarah Knafo, who was on Marion Maréchal Le Pen’s list for the European elections, as well as Loïc Sigor, spokesperson for Renaissance. There was also Sébastien Chenu, a member of the National Rally party. A very politicized panel.

The presence of these politicians added a new dimension to the show, allowing for discussions on current events, political strategies, and the future of the country. The lively debate sparked by their presence brought a different energy to the program, showcasing the diverse opinions and ideologies present in French politics. Cyril Hanouna’s ability to navigate these discussions while maintaining the entertainment value of the show highlighted his skills as a host.

Overall, despite the unexpected interruptions and moments of tension, Cyril Hanouna managed to steer the show back on track and provide viewers with an engaging and thought-provoking episode. The mix of political discourse and entertainment created a dynamic atmosphere that kept viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to see what would happen next.