
The dissolution of the National Assembly has put a halt to the discussion of the end-of-life bill that was already voted on in the first reading by the National Assembly. No political party plans to prioritize this issue during or after the elections.

The dissolution of the National Assembly, ordered by the President on Sunday, June 9, abruptly stopped the examination of the bill on the care of the sick and end of life at the Palais Bourbon. This bill was seen as a societal reform that looked death in the face. The discussions on this bill began on May 27 and were supposed to continue until June 14, with a final vote scheduled for June 18. However, only fifteen out of twenty-one articles had been examined, and the most crucial ones had already been voted on, including the provision for access to “aid in dying” and the conditions for administering lethal substances to patients with serious and incurable illnesses in an advanced or terminal stage.

The dissolution of the legislature has rendered the already adopted part of the bill invalid. Many members of the majority expressed their regrets about this situation, feeling that all the progress made in parliamentary discussions has been lost. The bill is considered the first collateral victim of the dissolution.

Some supporters of “aid in dying” fear that the reform will be completely abandoned, especially if the far-right party wins the elections. In the National Assembly, members of the far-right party have strongly opposed the “aid in dying” provision. They have indicated that this issue would not be a priority if they were to come into power. Instead, they would focus on improving palliative care.

The future of the end-of-life bill remains uncertain due to the dissolution of the Assembly and the upcoming elections. The fate of this important legislation will ultimately depend on the political landscape post-election. The issue of end-of-life care continues to be a topic of debate and contention in French politics.