
Political – Legislative elections in Eure-et-Loir and in South Yvelines: new candidates in the running, a demonstration against the far right… Relive our live coverage

Discover live the political figures who will present themselves as candidates in Eure-et-Loir and in the South Yvelines for the legislative elections that will take place on June 30, 2024 for the first round, and July 7, 2024 for the second round.

We take stock of the candidates in the Eure-et-Loir and South Yvelines constituencies for the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

Essential points:
– Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly on Sunday, June 9.
– On Tuesday, June 11, Eric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains party, called for « an alliance with the National Rally » and then closed the LR party headquarters in Paris at noon on Wednesday, June 12. The LR Political Bureau decided to exclude Eric Ciotti from the party.
– The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, spoke at 11 am during a press conference.

Live updates:
8:50 PM | The UDCI group rejects the proposal of a coalition with Eric Ciotti’s National Rally.
In a statement, the Union of the Right, Center, and Independents (UDCI) group, sitting on the Regional Council of Centre-Val de Loire, said it « firmly condemns the idea of an alliance with the National Rally ».
« This decision by Eric Ciotti was made without any consultation with local officials or with the bodies of the Republican political family. We refuse to be associated with this deadly initiative, totally contrary to the positions and values ​​carried by our political group since always, » continue the signatories members of the UDCI group. Among them, notably, the mayor (LR) of Dreux and regional councilor, Pierre-Frédéric Billet.
« The results of the European elections reflect a legitimate anger of the French who are suffering from the crises that the government cannot respond to. But the consequence of this vote cannot be an agreement with parties whose project, both in terms of sovereignty, economic and social, would be disastrous for our country, as is the case on the left in the agreement with France Unbowed, » the group concludes in its statement.
8:10 PM | Bruno Millienne (MoDem) runs again in Yvelines

Bruno Millienne, deputy of the 9th constituency of Yvelines, which goes from Houdan to Mureaux, is running again under the colors of the presidential majority. He was elected deputy in 2017 with the MoDem label. He is running again with Angela Klein, his substitute, with whom he has been a duo since 2017.
7:15 PM | Elisabeth Meyblum (LR), candidate in 2022 in the Châteaudun constituency, does not return
The LR candidate in the Châteaudun constituency in 2022 will not campaign for these early elections. She does not wish to « run for a new investiture: the situation being extremely complex, including within my party. When we go to battle, it is with hope of winning and I do not see, in the current situation, the slightest chance of achieving it. It’s not defeatism but realism. »
7:10 PM | 250 people gathered in Chartres to « stand up against the far right and its hatred », at the call of the AERéSP 28 collective

250 people are gathered at the Place des Épars in Chartres, at the call of the AERéSP 28 collective (Welcome to the exiles and regularization of undocumented migrants). A mobilization with the slogan « Let’s stand up against the far right and its hatred – For a solidarity society! ».

6:40 PM | Daniel Guéret, senator (affiliated with the LR group) from Eure-et-Loir, « in total disagreement with Eric Ciotti’s position »
Daniel Guéret reacted, as early as Tuesday, on his Facebook page, to express his « total disagreement with Eric Ciotti’s position, » president of LR, who expressed, in the 1 pm news on TF1, the « need for an alliance […] with the National Rally ». The Eure-et-Loir senator (affiliated with the LR group), who « left the UMP / Les Républicains movement in 2016, » recalls that he supported Bruno Retailleau during the last election for the presidency of the party: « Eric Ciotti was elected, he does not bear the values ​​that I fought for. »
For Daniel Guéret, Eric Ciotti’s « solitary position » « calling for an alliance with the National Rally should lead him to draw all the conclusions and resign from his position. But that’s not my business… ». Daniel Guéret, who « reaffirms [his] absolute solidarity with Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, as well as with Bruno Retailleau, President of the group to which [he is] attached, » believes that « the position » of Eric Ciotti « will contribute a little more, if we do not come to our senses, to the final shipwreck of the political family that has carried the Fifth Republic. »
5:15 PM | Alain Venot will not support Roger Pécout but Philippe Vigier
As part of an « agreement » announced between Eric Ciotti, president of LR, « excluded » this Wednesday, by the party’s political bureau, and the National Rally, Roger Pécout (LR) is a candidate in the Châteaudun constituency. He met, Monday afternoon, Alain Venot, former mayor of Châteaudun from (1983 to 2008 then from 2014 to 2020) and former deputy of Châteaudun (2002-2007), of whom he was the chief of staff (1983-2001) and then the parliamentary assistant (2002-2007). « He informed me that he had requested the investiture of the National Rally but he did not ask me to support him. He wanted to ensure my neutrality, » said Alain Venot, this Wednesday afternoon, to L’Écho. « Roger Pécout was my collaborator for more than twenty years and he is a friend – I was the witness of his second marriage – but I do not want to serve as a guarantee. I am very clear. »
The former mayor of Châteaudun knows that « former parliamentary assistants often want to take the plunge and become deputies in their turn » but he does not want to comment on Roger Pécout’s rally to the National Rally. « I have reached an age where nothing surprises me anymore, but he has the right to change his mind! I keep Roger Pécout in friendship but I am in total opposition to his political choice which is very far from my convictions. I am a true Gaullist and I cannot support him in any way. I support, as in 2022, the outgoing deputy Philippe Vigier. »
5:00 PM | Anna Stépanoff candidate Horizons in the Nogent-le-Rotrou constituency
In the Nogent-le-Rotrou constituency, Luc Lamirault, the outgoing Horizons deputy, does not run again. « I decided on Monday to stop my national public life, » he confides. He passes the torch of Horizons to Anna Stépanoff who sits in the Center, Democrat, Republican and Citizen group in the Center-Val de Loire regional council, and will be a candidate in the legislative elections for the presidential majority. He adds that he will support her « convincingly ». His substitute has not yet been designated.
4:30 PM | Three candidates in the running for the PS
The PS federation in Eure-et-Loir is preparing to present candidates for the early legislative elections, as part of the new popular front. « At the moment, we still do not know what will be the distribution of candidates from the left coalition by constituency in Eure-et-Loir. This will depend on the agreements decided at the national level. Locally, our priority is to have a PS candidate in the first constituency, » explains Stéphane Cordier, first federal secretary of the PS in Eure-et-Loir.
The head of the socialists in the department specifies that he has sent three names to the national PS federation upstream of the nominations.
Stéphane Cordier offers himself as a candidate in the first constituency (Chartres).
Paul Degruelle, secretary of the PS section of the Chartres agglomeration, is targeted in the third constituency (Nogent-le-Rotrou).
Sylviane Boens, regional councilor of the Center-Val de Loire and deputy mayor of Auneau, is proposed by the departmental PS federation to be a candidate in the fourth constituency (Châteaudun).
At the moment, the PS does not want to propose a candidate in the second constituency (Dreux) where LFI did well.
4:20 PM | Roger Pécout: « I am a candidate for the legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Eure-et-Loir, with a double investiture »
Announced as a candidate by the RN, as part of the « agreements with the Republicans, » Roger Pécout confirms this Wednesday afternoon: « I am a candidate for the legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Eure-et-Loir, with a double investiture: I am an LR candidate with my president Eric Ciotti and I am supported by the National Rally. »
He announces that his substitute is Aleksandar Nikolic, just elected deputy (RN) to the European Parliament, this Sunday, June 9. He was nineteenth on the list led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections. Aleksandra Nikolic is also a regional councilor in Center-Val de Loire and a municipal councilor in Saint-Rémy-sur-Avre.
3:40 PM | Jean-François Bridet (Chartres Ecologie) « candidate for the investiture under the banner of the new Popular Front on behalf of the ecologists », in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir (Chartres)
Jean-François Bridet (Chartres Ecologie), opposition municipal councilor in Chartres and Chartres Métropole and vice-president of the Center-Val de Loire regional council in charge of biodiversity, announces that he is « a candidate for the investiture under the banner of the new Popular Front on behalf of the ecologists », in the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir (Chartres), for the early legislative elections.
« It is a collective approach, in continuity with the candidacy of Quentin Guillemain in the last elections two years ago, and not a personal adventure. I am supported in my approach by the departmental, regional, and national ecological bodies, » says Jean-François Bridet, who is not a member of EELV.
The candidate for the investiture is waiting for the final arbitrations of the various partners of the new Popular Front. « I can be 100% available in this campaign. It is a fight that we want to lead for republican values ​​and against nationalism. If national negotiations do not allow me to play this role, I will campaign in the same way for the candidate designated by the Popular Front and I will put the same energy into it. »
2:55 PM | Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance) mocks the situation in the LR
2:40 PM | The RN has chosen its candidates for the Chartres constituency
The National Rally has chosen its candidates for the first constituency of Eure-et-Loir (Chartres): Emma Minot, a physiotherapy student and substitute for the RN deputy of the second constituency of Loir-et-Cher, and Axelle Hue, as a substitute.
12:00 PM | Workers’ Struggle presents its candidates for each constituency
The party presents candidates in the four constituencies of Eure-et-Loir.
In the first, it is Marie-Hélène Aubert with Thierry Lucas as a substitute.
Adrien Denis and Viviane Moguelet (substitute) for the second.
Vincent Chevrollier will be a candidate for the third with Virginie Lefeuvre as a substitute. And finally, for the fourth, Anne-Laure Assayag with Frédéric Barbier as a substitute.
11:40 AM | Aurore Bergé runs again for a mandate as deputy in the 10th constituency of Yvelines
Aurore Bergé, Minister for Gender Equality, is running for a new mandate as deputy in the 10th constituency of Yvelines (Rambouillet), for the Renaissance party.
11:10 AM | Daniel Guéret, senator from Eure-et-Loir (affiliated with the LR group), supports Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance), Olivier Marleix (LR), and Philippe Vigier (Democrat – MoDem and independents group)
10:50 AM | Vincent Lhopiteau says he is « ready and available » to be a candidate under the banner of Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquête!
For the Châteaudun constituency, Vincent Lhopiteau, mayor of Villampuy, says he is « ready and available » to be a candidate under the banner of Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquête! He was already a candidate in 2022 and had gathered 5.10% of the votes.
10:40 AM | Three known RN candidates
The National Rally, which received 37.96% of the votes in the European elections on Sunday, June 9, in Eure-et-Loir, announces its first candidates in the department for the first round of the early legislative elections on June 30.
In the first constituency (Chartres), no name is yet known at the moment.
In the second constituency (Dreux), Olivier Dubois, a company director, is the RN candidate. His substitute is Silvio Bortolussi, the departmental delegate of the party in Eure-et-Loir.
In the third constituency (Nogent-le-Rotrou), the candidate chosen by the RN is Christophe Bay, a collaborator of Marine Le Pen. Régine Flaunet, who was a candidate in 2022 in this constituency, is his substitute.
In the fourth constituency (Châteaudun), the Dunois Roger Pécout, a parliamentary assistant, is announced as a candidate by the RN, as part of the « agreements with the Republicans ». He was the chief of staff of Alain Venot, the former mayor (DVD) of Châteaudun. His substitute is not yet known at the moment. Contacted this Wednesday morning by L’Écho Républicain, Roger Pécout indicates « that for the moment he does not respond ».
10:25 AM | What we know about the candidacies in the Nogent-le-Rotrou constituency
In the presidential majority, Luc Lamirault (Horizons), the current deputy, may not run again, according to our information.
On the LR side, it would potentially be Rémi Martial, mayor of Lèves, for Nogent-le-Rotrou, according to Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group in the National Assembly.
10:25 AM | What we know about the candidacies in the Dreux constituency
At LR, the group president of the party in the National Assembly, Olivier Marleix, is running for a new term. He is one of the LR members in deep disagreement with Eric Ciotti and who are calling for the resignation of the party leader following his call for an alliance with the RN. Olivier Marleix is running with Christelle Minard as a substitute. The mayor of Tremblay-les-Villages and departmental councilor forms a duo with Olivier Marleix since his first term.
On the presidential majority side, Maxime David (Renaissance), an opposition municipal councilor in Dreux, is a potential candidate. He is in deep thought: « This decision is heavy to make and does not depend on me alone. Faced with the threat of the RN, we must be responsible ».
The potential candidate for Horizons is in the same state of mind. Sébastien Leroux is one of the deputy mayors of Dreux and has expressed interest in running. But, once again, the rapprochement of some LR officials with the RN dampens the enthusiasm of the Dreux elected official.
On the left side of the political spectrum, a large meeting took place on Tuesday, June 11, in the early evening. In a rather tense atmosphere, things finally cleared up. Two candidates were in the running: Youssef Lamrini, an opposition elected official in Vernouillet, and Lucien Conte, a parliamentary assistant to the LFI deputy from Loire, Andrée Taurinya.
10:25 AM | What we know about the candidacies in the Châteaudun constituency
On the presidential majority side, Philippe Vigier, outgoing Democrat (MoDem and independents) deputy and former Minister of Overseas France, is running again, with Laurent Leclercq, mayor of Toury, as a substitute.
10:25 AM | What we know about the candidacies in the Chartres constituency
In the Renaissance party, Guillaume Kasbarian, currently Minister Delegate for Housing, and who won the elections in 2022, is running again in the Chartres constituency.
At Les Républicains, Ladislas Vergne, already a candidate in 2022, is also running in this constituency.
On the left, representatives of the various parties of the left union of the New Popular Front (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) met on Tuesday, June 11, in the evening, to designate a single candidate.
10:20 AM | Welcome to this live update.
We will keep track of the candidates in the Eure-et-Loir and South Yvelines constituencies throughout the day.