
Since the disappearance of François Ferreira in February 2023, the owner of his apartment in downtown Loudéac (Côtes d’Armor) has been waiting for a response from the justice system.

The apartment on Pavillon Street has been sealed for a little over a year. In Loudéac (Côtes d’Armor), Pavillon Street has regained its calm. While some may have forgotten about the case, it seems that it has not yet revealed all its secrets. Just over a year ago, Loudéac was shaken by a disturbing disappearance. François Ferreira had not been seen since February 19, 2023, when his name appeared at the end of March 2023 in connection with a criminal case in La Trinité-Porhoët (Morbihan). The Saint-Brieuc prosecutor’s office quickly opened an investigation for « Kidnapping, organized group kidnapping. » On April 6, 2023, the prosecutor announced the indictment of three people for murder in connection with this disappearance. Since then, there has been no communication from the justice system regarding the ongoing investigation.

In the meantime, it is the owner of François Ferreira who is becoming impatient. It is the man who rented his apartment to him, in one of the two small buildings located at the entrance of Pavillon Street, just a few steps from Pontivy Street, in Loudéac. Since the start of the investigation, seals have prevented access to the property. « It has been several months since I have received any rent… How am I supposed to handle this situation? » says the owner, who wishes to remain anonymous. The Family Allowance Fund (CAF) terminated the housing benefit payment that François Ferreira was receiving in December 2023. And it is fortunate that they did not stop it earlier.

In the meantime, this owner is sitting on the €380 monthly rents. « It will soon be six months late… It’s over €2,000. Meanwhile, I pay the common charges and taxes. » And he adds, « Luckily, I no longer have a loan on this apartment. But the rent I receive helps me daily to supplement my small pension. »

Since the beginning of 2024, the owner has initiated several steps. Particularly the request to lift the seals, which the justice system refuses. In a letter dated February 13, 2024, the vice-president in charge of the investigation emphasizes: « The approach is entirely legitimate and understandable; however, it appears from the elements gathered in the course of the investigation that François Ferreira may have been kidnapped from his home; depending on the evolution of the statements of the indicted persons, new investigations may be carried out in the apartment; at this stage of the judicial information, the return of the apartment is premature. »

While the owner can understand the situation, he is still annoyed by it: « So I have to wait, simply. And if the investigation lasts a long time? » In another letter received on February 21, 2024, the vice-president in charge of the investigation mentions the possibility of the Ministry of Justice taking financial responsibility for the rents. « So I sent them a letter, but I haven’t received any response yet. »

The owner of François Ferreira is disillusioned with the situation. « I only want one thing: to lift the seals and empty the apartment. Then, I will renovate and put it up for sale. I am tired of problems with tenants. »