
The left-wing parties have finalized the distribution of constituencies for the upcoming 2024 legislative elections under the « popular front » agreement. Following the results of the European elections, there has been a first rebalancing compared to the Nupes agreement in 2022. Discussions are ongoing regarding the profiles of candidates, with socialists and communists looking to contest where LFI failed in 2022.

After a long day of negotiations on June 11, socialists, « insoumis, » communists, and ecologists agreed on the allocation of constituencies for the anticipated legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. This agreement is crucial alongside the program in the left-wing negotiations. Following a national council meeting of the Socialist Party (PS) that postponed the vote on the « popular front » agreement, the parties agreed on overall figures.

France Insoumise (LFI), which contested in 326 constituencies in 2022, reduced its number to 229 under pressure from the European election results. The Socialist Party, which had 70 candidates two years ago, will now present 175 candidates. This additional hundred reflects a new balance of power, based on the 13.8% score of the PS-Place publique list led by Raphaël Glucksmann in the European elections, compared to 2022 when Anne Hidalgo obtained 1.75% in the presidential election.

The Greens, who had 100 constituencies in 2022, will have 92 this year. The Communist Party will maintain its quota of 50 constituencies. Discussions are based on 546 constituencies (out of 577 in France) and exclude overseas territories and Corsica.

The constituencies with sitting MPs will be retained in the agreement, with the party deciding to keep the same candidate or change as desired. Discussions continue on the candidate profiles for each constituency outside the already won territories. At the Socialist Party, opponents of the first secretary, Olivier Faure, maintain pressure on him. The allocation of constituencies has caused tensions, with some claiming that LFI has been given preferential treatment over the PS.

In conclusion, the negotiations for the 2024 legislative elections are in progress, with left-wing parties finalizing the allocation of constituencies based on the results of the European elections and the balance of power within the coalition. This agreement will determine the candidates who will represent each party in the upcoming elections, shaping the political landscape for the future.