The secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, will leave his post at the end of the year besieged by the research on possible conflicts of interest with his private business. The chief of cabinet of Donald Trump, John Kelly, already have a substitute after months of rumors of bad relationship with the president. The attorney-general, Jeff Sessions, resigned in November, forced out by the contractor. The ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, however, going by your own foot. Are just three of the latest low known. Between layoffs, resignations, voluntary and defenestraciones, the White House Trump has over 30 good-byes in two years. Do not remember a mortality ratio so high in another Administration.


general John Kelly will leave the post of head of Cabinet of Trump this month Trump appoints chief of staff as acting budget director

there Have been outputs high-profile, such as the dismissal of the advisor and tv star Omarosa Manigault, in December of 2017, the director of the FBI, James Comey, in may of that same year, or the recent forced resignation of Sessions. Some, I have been surprised by the immediate, as that of Anthony Scaramucci, fired just 10 days after assuming the position as director of Communication. And other, have been mysterious, such as the unexpected good-bye to Nikki Haley in the UN, which will become effective at the end of years citing personal reasons.

But what is clear to any person that comes to Washington to work for Donald Trump is that you should not sign contracts for long-term rent and should think before Nakitbahis posting pictures. The cessation of John Kelly, release a week ago, it is the most important thing about this latest wave of changes unleashed after the general elections in November. The president announced Friday night as a substitute of interim nature, the current budget director, Mick Mulvaney.

“Has been chosen because the president likes, wear well”, explained sources from the Government. He is 51 years he was in charge of presenting and defending the first budget of the Management of Trump, who scored in 2017 a radical turn with the large increase in military spending and the cut in foreign aid and environmental policy. Trump also has valued his experience in the Capitol, which was republican congressman from South Carolina, in a moment in which to open a new stage for the Administration, that no longer will have a conservative majority in the lower House.

this Is a profile very different to that of Kelly, a general decorated that came to the universe Trump as the National Security advisor, but became chief of staff after the first semester of Government. His mission was to put an order in for the White House: defenestró to agitators, sought to improve the relationship with republican lawmakers and tried to filter the visits with the president. But the role of Kelly was diluted with the passage of time and the rumors of his departure had already been months on the road, as well as the image of a presidency in turmoil.

the replacement of The general also has generated that feeling. The president had considered various names to replace the general. Your first option, which according to the american press it was Nick Ayers, an advisor to the vice president Mike Pence of 36 years, publicly rejected this possibility, noting that would leave the Administration at year’s end. Other low. The idea that not many people wanted to take such a job spread like wildfire, to the point that the Trump remarked on Twitter on Friday night: “effect: a LOT of people wanted the post of chief of cabinet”.

In the Washington, 2018, the president has to come out to deny that anyone wants to occupy one of the most important squares of the Administration.