bookmarks are an invention from the beginning of the Internet : in order to find important sources of information, at any time, and no complicated addresses to remember that there are in the Browser the directory of the major Websites.

But the bookmarks are not the last word on the subject: If you want to organize useful, then it makes a rather big effort. In addition, you find only things, which in time store thought of a bookmark. If a source in the network is only subsequently, as a useful or important to you, then the bookmarks will help nothing: In the cases you can try, if you can find the correct address in the browser history. Or you racked my brain, where you might have seen the Information you’re looking for.

Many ways

run into the net Because the reading improvement potential characters, there are already various Alternatives. For example, social Bookmarking services, such as (today, where to share his collection with other users. In the case of Pinterest, you beautiful items from the web in a virtual storefront. With can be his Online discoveries does not link only, but also to archive and save for later. And there are also various ways to improve the home pages of the Browser so that you get faster to the desired information:, Humble New Page, or Home for the Chrome Browser are examples of this.

In the Video we show the (in our opinion) the best modern approaches that complement the classic bookmarks is excellent or even eliminate the need for. On the one hand, lists for articles, Videos and audio broadcasts, with which this content for later picks up, and above all, easy to enjoy: pleasant reading mode, or even on the E-Book Reader, on a Smartphone on the move or, in the case of Videos, on Tablet or on your home TV.

The bookmark Revolution

And we’ll show a project that revolutionized the idea of the bookmark: When you Googling, you only get the General search results from the network, but also from the personal Web activities. This makes it very easy, any sources from the network at any time again. And you can provide the information, which have proved to be useful and important, with keywords or comments, and in the collections drop, so you take only bookmarks, but Knowledge is organized.

in addition to the Google results of the previously-visited sites that match the search term. (

Created: 10.12.2018, 15:59 PM