Imagine if you could ever get concrete information about the big danger with the SD that makes all parties take measurements. It seems so dull to just point them out as a danger to democracy, as the fascists, as morally inferior. The other parties should be able to put your finger more precisely on what they are against. Parties change after all.
SD and welfare challenges
make a distinction between people and people. It is a devastating indictment in a country with equality as axiomatic dogma but something we probably will have to consider in order to do not the welfare to go overboard. There is a difference between Sweden today and Sweden in the 80’s when we had a relatively small number of households that needed to be taken care of by society. It requires a certain amount of cynicism that at all relate to questions about balance, so in the wide perspective, we must be inhuman. A humanistic world was perhaps a foundation to build on once, but all that is left today are the insoluble ideological and moral conflicts.
the Transformation of Sweden has gone fast. No wonder people are wondering.
SD and morale
make a distinction between us and them, affect the social climate, increase the fear of the alien and break down the conscience, compassion, morality. But Sweden is governed by laws. Each individual must be responsible for what their conscience says. All the evidence suggests that the swede to set up and do good at the individual level. We and they also said to measure out the gap between the people and the » elite. The kind of distance people can understand. The transformation of Sweden has gone fast. No wonder people are wondering.
SD should worry every thinking man
SD and immigration
want to stop all immigration and deport those who are here reglementsenligt, including some individuals with citizenship. It is the most common accusation from the SD, the opponents and the most common hope from the academy, but it shoots well over the goal. It is not possible to stop it all straight. Nor is it possible to expel citizens without changing the constitution. But somehow is believed to SD have the power. Sweden has the right to stop immigration, refugees, and certain family among others, but not to stop the asylum seekers from having their asylum reasons tested if they set foot Youwin in Sweden.
the Alliance should do that’s – take the power with a ytterlighetsparti
SD and Swexit
a Swedish withdrawal from the EU. It is a clumsy proposal, which the consequences of Brexit shows. It can be interpreted as a resistance against the peace and trade if you absolutely want to believe that SD is out for war and mayhem, but it can also be a ‘ no ‘ to greater supranationalism. There are without a doubt a nationalistic dimension in the SD’s want to go out of the EU, but the bottoms probably the most in a desire to get away from the Echr binding requirements in the migration policy. Where they end up wrong. It is only on the EU-level, we can change the conditions of migration.
A real Sverigevän don’t vote for Åkesson
The details on the godtrogenheten
The Swedish reality is neither invandrarfientlig or avhumaniserad. It is just unruly. SD is not the evil force in the parliament who want to transform Sweden to beyond recognition. The ferocious out there in the bushes have only a few followers. However, we have a problem with a lingering emotional credulity which belonged in the politically correct age, an appeasement, in which measures simply no longer wise.
What I want to with all of this is that the Conservatives explain their approach to SD. I perceive that M is against SD as a negotiating partner and a partner of governments, but not as categorically and incomprehensible rejection, which is the case for C and L. It would be good to get a mature and understandable position.
the writer
the Former member of parliament (M)