The state pension in Germany is facing enormous challenges: The demographic change in the System under massive pressure. This means that more and more pensioners get longer and longer money, the active workers are less, and must always generate higher contributions. This is also why the Federal government promotes private pension provision with different initiatives.

operating pension must be employer –

to be funded Starting in January, the next stage ignites: employers need to promote the company pension scheme (bAV) your employees with financial grants.

It could be so good that your boss wants to play at the beginning of January to you and provide you with information to bAV. Because the statutory requirements for the bAV an important provision changes in the new year. If you already know what it is exactly, you are in a better Position.

Why does the Federal government, the existing rules?

The aim of the measure is clear: to bring more Employees to a company pension plan. In the year 2017, approximately 60 percent of the employees in Germany had a bAV, it is a lot of Potential is still present.

What information will I give my employer for bAV?

For January of 2018 was decided, the then Federal government, the company pension support act (BRSG) . In addition to some Changes to the beginning of 2018 are from January 2019, a further important change for employees, which is a new agreement to bAV . The new provisions have a positive impact on the purse of the workers: “If the occupational pension is the deferred compensation will be used to pay the employer generally an Employer’s contribution of 15 percent of the converted content in addition to the supply device.” The official presentation of the Federal Ministry of Finance is to the bAV-Reform.

The term deferred compensation is a state-sponsored Form of bAV. Every worker has, in accordance with section 1a of the BetrAVG a legal claim against his employer: The employee can use a portion of his agreed salary for the bAV.

Why must my employer support of the bAV financially?

The legislature has in view, that in the next paragraph referred to models and employers save on social security contributions. The advantage is in the bAV invested amounts to half of the usual social security contributions instead of 40 percent, only 20 percent. With the statutory disclosure of a large part of his savings, the chief promotes the readiness of the workers with a bAV for the old age.

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Who benefits from the innovations?

The financial assistance of the heads is for deferred compensation Vegabet new policies for direct insurance companies, pension funds, and pension funds, . In the case of existing remuneration conversion agreements the default is effective from the 1. January 2022.

How much the financial help from the boss?

The company’s grant to the bAV increases the payments noticeably. The insurance giant Allianz has done on the website of its subsidiary, Allianz Pension Partners GmbH is a sample invoice.

adoption: A skilled worker to earn monthly 3000 Euro gross. Of it converts per month 100 Euro in favour of a direct insurance.

Because the skilled worker is with your salary is below the contribution assessment limits in the pension and health insurance in 2019 if the health insurance 4537,50 euros per month, the pension insurance 6700 euros per month -for your employer for social security contributions in a Savings of 19,425 percent. (This percentage value: health insurance is 7.3 %, nursing care insurance 1,275 %, pension insurance 9,35% and unemployment insurance of 1.5% on the Basis of the 2017er-values).

Based on the 100 Euro fee conversion the employer must transfer, therefore, rounded up 19,43 EUR less employer’s share of social security .

According to the new rules from 2019, the boss of his skilled worker per month, shoots a 15 Euro fee conversion – the value corresponds to 15 percent of 100 euros. The skilled worker can therefore invest a total of 115 Euro per month in their occupational pensions. Of it, she is wearing only 100 Euro.

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In FOCUS Online As you will in the future, the boss at retirement mbe pension, deferred compensation, occupational pension schemes operating