By insult the virtual to the real the step, unfortunately, was short-lived. The slogan of Matteo Salvini #primagliitaliani, by dint of being repeated obsessively by the minister of the Interior on all the social channels, has been transformed into a violent verbal aggression against the former president of the Chamber Laura Boldrini at Fiumicino airport and then board your flight to Milan. The member of Leu has not decomposed and has repelled the attack with a smile. But this time it was not a matter of disregarding the offenses of a ‘hater’ on social, words of hate that remain in writing but that you don’t hear the sound. This time the insults were physical, audible. And for this even more troubling.

These are the facts, brought to you by Flavio Alivernini , spokesman Boldrini, on his profile on Facebook: “Before the italians, shame, before the italians! A guy of about sixty, purple and foaming of rage he called him so Laura Boldrini, while doing check-in at the boarding gate for Milan. She replied with a smile and entered. Boldrini has taken place on the plane and he is not satisfied of the verbal aggression of the first few minutes, once the board has continued to disturb. He yelled at you with anger and malice “Vergognati”, and then “before the italians, before the italians”. Bent over her while continuing to shout. I was three rows back and I made a leap forward to be her shield. Then I invited him to take a seat, and he is finally gone thanks to the protests against the crew and some passengers. This is the story. I give the story as a journalist, as well as I would have sent to the newspaper if I work still in preparation”.

But then there is another, story. That highlights the rather disturbing between the slogan of the propaganda salviniana and aggression concrete against a politician who thinks otherwise. Alivernini, in fact, he adds: “There is a history of who launches the slogan #PrimaGliItaliani, and social media campaigns with the faces of the enemies to hit, that maybe they can as well with the intention of bringing a person more in the square, in a Country of angry and resentful that he can’t wait to take it out on someone. But if the result then is that the political opponents are being harassed, really?”. And he concludes with an Sultanbet appeal to Salvini: “What are you waiting for to manifest its solidarity to Laura Boldrini this time? The minister of the Interior has the most fear of disappointing her or that someone will be hurt in the name of its slogans?”.

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