NRK Forbrukerinspektørene has, in cooperation with the Norwegian Consumer council had analyzed ten random packages with butikkjøpt chicken from nine Norwegian and one Swedish manufacturer.

In all seven of the products were found resistant E. coli bacteria. These can in the worst case, give us humans a disease that is not treatable with antibiotics. There is only sufficient heat treatment which can remove any bacteria in the chicken that you have purchased.

the Analysis, which was conducted by the national veterinary institute, tested for both ESBL – and kinolonresistente bacteria (see information below).

The survey is a random, and a new test of the same marks could be given completely different results. The test still provides an indication of the challenges to fjørfebransjen.

In a large review of the ESBL-bacteria two years ago found Veterinærinstitutet the resistant bacteria present in 32 percent of the seals studied.

ALSO READ: This is the food safety chicken advice Like it

Ellen Flø Skagen at Nortura can not guarantee that all the chicken is sterile.

Photo: Nortura

In the Radio test, it was only found ESBL in one of the packages with kyllingfileter, while the other six packages beating the positive out of kinolonresistente bacteria (see the test further down in the article).

Three of the positive samples came from Norway’s largest kyllingprodusent Prior. One of the Prior products contained the dreaded ESBL-bacteria.

“I think as you that it sounds a lot, and this is not something we like,” says manager Ellen Flø Skagen in the Priors parents Nortura.

– We don’t know quite how you have done this survey, and how representative it is. But we will continue to work with our procedures; in imports, with the farmer and with us in industry and at home with consumers, she says to NRK Forbrukerinspektørene.

But can we have it so that they risk to buy chicken that can be resistant to antibiotics?

In Norway we are very well used. We have a high standard on food safety, and we will continue to have. But we can’t give any guarantees that we can’t experience this, ” says Ellen Flø Skagen.

Also the ecological manufacturer Holte Farm was reflected in the Veterinærinstituttets test.

These bacteria can reside in the imported eggs. Therefore, we can not guarantee that the chicken is without these bacteria, unfortunately, ” says Magnus Olsen, general manager, Holte Farm. the

See more about the test in Forbrukerinspektørene in web tv. – Take it seriously,

We are very conscious of the presence of resistant bacteria. A total fjørfenæring work actively with measures to reduce the incidence of such bacteria. The industry has taken extensive sampling in order to survey the prevalence in all joints as well as the impact of measures, says kvalitetsdirektør Merete Forseth at Rema 1000-manufacturer Norwegian Chicken.

She refers to the plan of action for drug resistance, which has recently been revised, and that includes both the ESBL-bacteria and kinolonresistens.

– We take this very seriously, and has a goal to be free of resistance in the course of the coming years, ” says Forseth in a comment to

Matvaregiganten Coop supplier The Proud Rooster struck out on Forbrukerinspektørenes test, but they do not want to comment on found.

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Gunstein Instefjord of the Consumer requires stricter measures against the bacteria.

Photo: Consumer

– It is the industry, i.e. the industry and the industry, which must take a primary responsibility for the situation we are in now, says Gunstein Instefjord, responsible for food and trade in the Consumer.

He also calls for more stringent measures to get rid of the dangerous bacteria in chicken.

It is indeed a difficult and demanding work. But in Norway we have succeeded when it comes to pork. We are still one of the few countries that do not have resistant bacteria in pork. It tells me that the tough measures will help, he says to NRK.

– What must happen?

– the Industry must go through the entire chain. Everything from how close the animals can stand, to slaktemetode and requirements for hygiene. There are measures here that are possible to implement, and they are going to cost. But the cost needs to be taken, believe Instefjord.

He also encourage Norwegian politicians to take a responsibility.

READ ALSO: Dangerous bacteria in Swedish chicken heat treatment is important!

Thorough heat treatment kills the dangerous bacteria. Kyllingkjøttet going to be really well done or to select non. Good hygiene when handling raw meat is also important.

Photo: Colourbox

the food safety Authority recommend a good heat treatment of poultry meat to kill all bacteria. The meat should be well done, or select non.

Good hygiene is also important when handling the raw meat. Hands should be washed both before and after you touch raw chicken meat, and you should always use clean tools and cloths.

Use separate utensils, cutting board and barrels of the raw meat, and wash the tools after use. Remember also to keep raw and cooked-to-order food separated.

If you follow these suggestions and rather not use meat-tools for the salad and other food, you are going to be on the safe side.

Did you know that the 25,000 europeans die every year as a result of the antibiotic? The test result




The Proud Rooster (small package)



2 pcs chicken



The proud rooster (big package)
Coop Maksibet



First Price chicken



Best price chicken
REMA 1000



Minifilet chicken



Smaalenene gårdskylling



Louise chicken breast
Gårdsand AS



Organic chicken breast
Hill farm



Kycklinglårfilet 700 grams



the Chicken from Kronfågel we bought in Charlottenberg right over the border to Sweden.

– In the same way as in Norway, being tested food producing animals regularly in a Swedish monitoring program for antibiotic, tell bransjeveterinær Pia Gustafsson at the manufacturer Swedish Fågel, which delivers Kronfågel products.

Monitoring shows, among other things, that kilononresistente bacteria occurs despite the fact that Swedish chickens do not get the type of antibiotics that lead to such resistance, she says to

She explains that the Swedish kyllingbønder for a long time has been to produce healthy animals which do not need antibiotics.

The resistensen that occurs stems with other words, not from what the chicken eats or is treated with, ” says Gustafsson.

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We are worried that the bacteria may become a part of consumers ‘ own normalflora in the intestine. If these bacteria have established themselves in the intestines, so it is likely that they can cause disease at a later time, ” says Marianne Sunde, a researcher at the Norwegian institute of public health.

– How dangerous can it be then?

– do you Get an infection with a antibiotikaresistent bacterium, it becomes more difficult to treat diseases that are easy to treat today, ” she says.