GIVEN: Kjetil Rekdal is the manager of the Police Association in the West standings. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes, VGPolitiets Association strongly against statsadvokatenes supervision: – Has no credibility DOMESTICALLY

Several public prosecutors have opened to the supervision of voldtektsetterforskningen after vg’s disclosures. – There is no point to oversee their own operations, believes the labor leader Kjetil Rekdal.

Amalie Frøystad NærøCamilla HuusePublisert:

In the beginning of December revealed VG large differences in the police-Norway.

From 2015 to 2017, ended under one of the ten voldtektssaker West police in court. In Nordland police ended voldtektssakene in court twice as often.

Read full story here.

– VG has revealed large variations across the country in the treatment of voldtektssaker. Therefore, we believe that we should let others outside of our own statsadvokatembete go through the way we work, ” says Kjetil Rekdal, head of the Police Association in the West standings.

In the aftermath of the vg’s revelations have among other things, the public prosecutor in Hordaland and Sogn and Fjordane opened the supervision of voldtektsetterforskningen in the district.

– It is not right that the responsibility should sit and assess themselves. It has no credibility, he says to VG.

– Lacks credibility

It is the prosecutor who has overall responsibility for the straffesaksbehandlingen of voldtektssaker. It is also the prosecutor who decides whether these cases should henlegges, or whether it should be taken out the indictment.

– the Investigation in the West police district is operating under a professional management and after recommendations from just our own statsadvokatembete.

– What about the practice that is established under the statsadvokatembetet is incorrect, or operate with a more stringent level than the rest of the country? It is then wise that statsadvokatene oversees itself, ask fagforeningslederen.

Rekdal gets the support of forbundsleder Sigve Bolstad:

– This is like the goat, and havresekken. It is never lucky that one supervises and examines his own job. The purpose here must be full transparency, and that, in fact, we can draw the lesson out of this, ” he says.

Reject nine out of ten voldtektssaker: the public Prosecutor: – Give me not bad night’s sleep

Also the district attorney in the county of Møre and Romsdal and the public prosecutor in Nordland has opened the supervision of voldtektsetterforskningen in their police district. In Nordland they will especially investigate the Tanja case, after that VG told her story in november.

– Supervision is all about, you should have a certain degree of independence to be able to go in and correct the error. A supervision by own business and have little credibility with me, says Rekdal.

the attorney general: – Not a positive contribution

Riksadvokat Tor-Aksel Busch writes in an email to VG that the Western police district is in a situation where access and control from other than the police are perceived as necessary.

He emphasises that the straffesaksbehandlingen to the police is in a situation where all have to contribute together to make the situation better.

An attack on statsadvokatens supervisory function is not a positive contribution to this, he believes.

“We have no desire to enter into a controversy with a union representative from the West police district. It is not, of course, so that statsadvokatene to inspect themselves. The ongoing monitoring of straffesakene, as statsadvokatene make and that is to the role, is very important in kvalitetssammenheng”, he writes in an e-mail to VG.

labor leader Rekdal responds to attorney general’s statement.

– VG has revealed Oleybet that the system is not working as it should, and it is this I direct your criticism at. I think it is regrettable that the attorney general did not see it, and rather choose to attack a union representative who believes that things can get better, ” he says.

– We are completely in agreement with the director of public prosecutions in that a supervision from statsadvokatene is important, but we need something more. This is largely about trust and credibility with the Norwegian police. It is we depend on, and we can’t put it on the game, ” says Bolstad.

Will have an independent workgroup

Police Association believes that it takes an independent group if they are to be able to improve.

Now ask the attorney general to take responsibility.

– the attorney general should establish a working group that will find læringspunkter about how these issues can be handled better in the whole straffesakskjeden. The group should have a multidisciplinary composition with particularly good expertise in the investigation and prosecution.

Will not answer

the Justice department will not answer if it is appropriate to create such a group, and indicates that it is the attorney general who is the responsible regulatory authority.

director of public prosecutions believes that there is no question that the audit will be carried out by anyone other than the prosecutor.

“We have of course nothing against such a working group as referred to, but it must in that case be an addition to the business which are described here from the statsadvokatene page, and not to substitute for this,” writes Busch in an e-mail.

Førstestatsadvokat Eirik Proud-Nielsen does not Rekdals criticism, beyond to say that it is statsadvokatens task to oversee.

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