The “Good-Kita-law” has passed the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, although there was a lot of criticism. The countries want the means of permanently. The Opposition had expected more.

More money for Crayons? The countries will decide on the Federal funds in-house photo: Reuters

BERLIN epd | The Federal government wants to transfer in the next four years, to 5.5 billion euros in addition to the countries, in order to improve the quality of early child care. The so-called “Good-Kita-law” happened on Friday in Berlin, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. It Restbet can come at the beginning of 2019. The Federal government wants to make agreements with each individual state, an agreement on how the money is used.

The Bundestag adopted the “act on the further development of the quality and to take part in the child day care” with the votes of the coalition of the CDU and the SPD. The Opposition rejected the law closed. The Greens, the left party and the FDP, accused the Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD), well short of its own goals to stay behind.

Giffey defended the law as an important step “for more quality and less fees”. Every child should be given the same chances from the start. For a uniform, nationally binding rules on quality standards, the time was not yet ripe, she said.

The countries are able to invest the Federal agent in the recruitment of additional educators, in better facilities, longer opening Hours, language support or better food – but also to get rid of the parents partially or entirely by the fees. A social differentiation of the contributions is different from Giffey initially planned, not a requirement. In addition, the countries decide on their own.

made with Greens, Left and FDP equally to criticism. Flat rate fee waiver for the first day-care centre of the year – means that even parents would not relieved that would be necessary, said the spokesman for the children – and youth policy of the FDP parliamentary group, Matthias Seestern-Pauly. The Green-Chairman Anna Lena Baerbock, which the law sharply criticized, said such a law for high earners going out of relief for parents.

It will also take care hardly for a really better care, criticized Baerbock. About the quality of a daycare decisions, first and foremost, how many professionals in for the children to be there. For reliable service keys are nationwide essential. The greens and the Left, presented a request that the coalition dismissed.

Giffey defended its law as a compromise with the German States, a long preparatory work was preceded. The conditions in the countries were still very different, said Giffey. Fees freedom is right, if families could not afford the daycare to visit their children, because they would have to pay several hundred euros per month.

Required in the “Good-Kita-law” alone, that nationwide low-income earners, the housing allowance or the children Supplement of the day-care centre fees to be liberated. Giffey said, the help to the families of 1.2 million kindergarten children. A total of 3.1 million small children in day care centers, every third child under three years of age.

the Federal funds are to be made only by 2022, criticized all opposition groups in the Bundestag. From the point of view of the FDP, the time limit will lead to hardly any new professionals are hired, because the countries have to fear, in the long term, the expenditure down to the office. Giffey insured, your goal is to stay that the Federal government engage permanently in the Kita-financing.

In the Federal Council, advised the law in accordance with the Bundestag decision, the expiration of Federal funds in the center of the criticism. At the end of the debate, the chamber of States approved the law and called for in a resolution, the time limit of the Federal funds at the latest in 2020, will not cancel in order not to endanger the long-term improvements.