
  • AKK, with 51.8 percent (517 of 999 voices) to the new CDU leader elected
  • With 62.8 percent of the votes was JU-in-chief Paul Ziemiak to the Secretary-General

Ziemiak elected inquired as a Teenager in Green and SPD

Sunday, 16. December, 00.40 PM: The new CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak has informed, as a Teenager, the Greens and the SPD membership. Elke Olbrich-Tripp, Green, group Chairman in Ziemiaks home town of Iserlohn, told “Bild am Sonntag”: “Paul came in one afternoon in 1999, in my office in Iserlohn city hall and wanted to join us.” Peter Leye, SPD Faction leader in Iserlohn, Germany, said: “Paul came also to us, wanted to become a member, get involved.” The Green party politician and SPD-colleague told the young Ziemiak according to their own statements, that he had to wait two years, until 16 years ago when you could be.

The CDU General Secretary can still remember his visits to the other parties, qualified but his interest in the Green and SPD. Ziemiak Tulipbet told the newspaper: “Yes, I was as a 13-Year-old in these group offices and wanted to inform me. But that it not wanted to me, is a legend! I was simply clear, that I’m going to the CDU. My parents were CDU voters.” It is a fact that With 14 years of Ziemiak joined the Young Union.

Saturday, 15. December: Ralph Brinkhaus, the Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, called on his party to show themselves to be more open towards migrants as a potential party members. In an Interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper Brinkhaus said: “anyone Who shares our values, is welcome in the CDU to participate. You have to be a Christian.“ Also people of other faiths or atheists are welcome. “This is what we need to show more to the outside,” said brink, the house of the “F. A. S.” In Germany, lived now very many people who have their roots in other countries. “We are the last people’s party must be for these people, provided you are committed to the principles of the party.” The to serve the cohesion of the society and of the Integration Brinkhaus in the “F. A. S.”

Brinkhaus warned in an interview with “F. A. S.” for the CDU in dealing with refugees, the protection of human dignity Central must be. “We protect the Other only when he comes from Germany? Or do we see in the Other, the Stranger, the refugee, the Next? The answer is a Christian democratic party on the Hand.“ This is also most of the all-important difference between the Union and the right-wing, Brinkhaus.

In the FOCUS Online/Wochit “first handle in the toilet”: the CDU-man criticized Ziemiak-choice sharp from our network of CHIP: Which is the best mobile network? The results of the on-CHIP network test ” page 1 of 18 next page