After the lows of 2017 to die again and more people on German streets. Especially pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists need according to experts, more protection. What can be done?

Wiesbaden (dpa) – Possibly the weather plays a role: In the case of road transport it will be this year, probably a little more Dead and wounded.

The Federal statistics office has estimated that the number of traffic deaths will rise until the end of the year compared to the year-on-year to approximately 40 victims (one percent) on Betpark 3220.

their number had fallen in the past two years, and in 2017, had reached the lowest level. In the case of the injured, the experts expect this year, also an increase of about one percent, or about 3000 to 393,000 people. « In the meantime, we depend on the question of whether it goes up or down, Essentially by the weather, » says accident researcher Siegfried Brockmann.

So it was with the long Winter of 2018, first of all, again, fewer traffic deaths. But then, the Turbo summer came. The long-lasting warm and dry weather, more people would have otherwise used to drive with the wheel. Motorcycle riders are more likely to have been on the road, « because the weekends were particularly beautiful. » The ADAC also called « the exceptionally dry and hot summer » as the reason. This had led to increased traffic, not only on the motorcycle and the Bicycle, but also by day-trippers, says a spokeswoman. to reduce

the accidents with dead and injured permanently significantly more, require professionals to take the inner cities. More people were now walking, says accident researcher Brockmann. « And the Bicycle traffic is rising much faster than municipalities are able to provide a reasonably secure infrastructure. » This need not only money, but taste because of the planning time. In many cities, political disputes would, because « a good Bicycle infrastructure, structure was often, the cars, anything to take away ».

« While in the Netherlands, for Cycling a fully private system of paths, Cycling in Germany is hardly a place in the road space, » the spokesperson of the General German Bicycle club (ADFC), Stephanie crown. To change », is the most important task of the transport policy. » Necessary in an investment program of at least 30 Euro per inhabitant and per year was to get to the Cycling infrastructure on a comfortable and safe standing.

need help in Addition, mandatory vehicle electronics. To do this, especially compulsory Turn-off module and Emergency braking assistance in motor vehicles. « It can’t be that in high-tech Germany every week people die, because they are not seen by car and truck drivers », stressed crown.

The ecological transport club Germany (VCD) calls on the Federal government to « finally » speed limits on motorways (120 km per hour), country roads (Tempo 80), and in the cities (Tempo 30). « Die every day for an average of ten people on the street, and hundreds of thousands are affected by such an accident, » says VCD spokeswoman Almut Gaude. Many of the injured suffered the consequences of her life with the accident. Speed limits are the Central lever. « They cost nothing and save lives. »

The number of police reported accidents will increase up to the end of the year, probably also very slightly (about 0.3 percent). The statisticians of more than 2.6 million accidents on German roads. The number of accidents with injured or dead will increase by approximately one percent to 306 000. The estimate is based on the accident figures for the first nine months.

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