
In Toulouse, the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron has sparked fear of the Rassemblement national winning on July 7th in the upcoming legislative elections. Many citizens, like Camille, a law student in Toulouse, are outraged by Macron’s political moves, calling them irresponsible. She plans to vote for the Front populaire to prevent the far-right from gaining power.

In Labarthe-sur-Lèze, a small town near Toulouse, Didier, a 58-year-old IT professional, who hadn’t voted in years, is now motivated to vote in light of the current situation. He even convinced his daughter working abroad to vote by proxy. Meanwhile, Michel, a resident who voted for Jordan Bardella of the Rassemblement national, believes it’s time for a change, criticizing Macron for not fulfilling his duties.

At the Cristal market in Toulouse, the sentiment is different, with voters supporting the socialist Raphaël Glucksmann and the Insoumise Manon Aubry. Marie-Hélène, a retired 64-year-old, fears the rise of the extreme right and is relieved by the opposition to alliances with the RN. Stéphanie, a 48-year-old teacher, sees the RN as a solution of despair, hatred, and rejection, opting to vote for the Front populaire for social measures and retirement reform.

Irène, a parent at the market, emphasizes the importance of voting against the RN, highlighting the need to participate in the upcoming elections. The general sentiment in Toulouse is to prevent the far-right from gaining power, with voters expressing concerns about the consequences of such a scenario. The upcoming legislative elections on July 7th will be crucial in determining the political landscape in Toulouse and beyond.