
In Cheltenham, United Kingdom, a new British series called ‘Intelligence’ is set to premiere on Serieclub next Tuesday. The show follows the story of Jerry Bernstein, played by David Schwimmer, an arrogant American NSA agent who leads a team with Joseph Harries, played by Nick Mohammed, an incompetent and tactless analyst. Together, they are tasked with fighting cybercrime, but the worst is yet to come…

The series will air every Tuesday at 9:00 pm for 26 minutes starting on August 13, 2024. For those who can’t wait, the complete series is already available for streaming since August 1.

Don’t miss out on the action-packed episodes filled with humor and suspense. Follow ActuMédias Outre-Mer on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google News, and now on WhatsApp for more updates and behind-the-scenes content.

With a talented cast and an exciting storyline, ‘Intelligence’ promises to be a must-watch series for fans of spy dramas and comedy alike. Get ready to be entertained and on the edge of your seat as Jerry and Joseph navigate the world of cyber espionage and criminality. Stay tuned for an unforgettable viewing experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish.