Barbara Vdcasino Kunz can be seen from the street in front of your office, still the top of the Eiffel tower. The sun is shining in Paris. The German scientist makes tea, the black broth trickles out in DRIBs and drabs in an orange plastic Cup.

Kunz is an expert in the field of the German-French defence cooperation with a view to the European context. Therefore, it is surprising what she says at the beginning of the conversation.

Barbara Kunz: , I see a lot of very critical in the German-French defence cooperation – ‘m of the opinion that there is no alternative.

FOCUS Online 14 countries, 14 Reporter – solutions, which can be for our society as a model

FOCUS Online launches a new and constructive Reportage series. The target: perspectives for Germany’s social and societal future. What other countries do better and what you can learn Germany from international models? To find answers, travel 14 FOCUS-Online-a Reporter in 14 different countries.

All previously published stories can be found here.

FOCUS Online : That sounds a little paradoxical.

Kunz : I see it as my role not to look at what works. So it will be better. I want to create an awareness of what is really going on. Especially in the case of politicians in both countries. In official statements, everything always sounds wonderful. In reality, it is not a long time so wonderful.

“The old French song of complaint”

FOCUS Online : What are you listening to the rest of the body, is that of France of Germany operations at the defense level and in foreign countries left in the lurch feeling.

Kunz : this is The old French lament. Since there are several levels. Firstly, Germany is not going. Secondly, if Germany goes, once, and then never on the really dangerous missions. And thirdly, you can’t share with Germany Material, because you do not need to always fear that it is available when you need it. Even if the Germans are not going, you are so not a reliable Partner. So the view is, at least, many here in Paris. Ifri Barbara Kunz works as a scientist for the Franco-German study Committee (Cerfa), Paris.

FOCUS Online : this Refers mainly to the equipment crisis of the Bundeswehr?

Kunz : The plays certainly a role. That said, the Germans have nothing on at all, what works. But since it’s more about the older stories.

FOCUS Online : you Have an example?

Kunz : There was, for example, in 2011, in Libya, there is a concrete case around the German crews of the Awacs reconnaissance aircraft of the Nato. You would have needed. In Germany, there is no mandate for Libya is available, which is why Berlin has deducted the crews. These are things that hang. And this one will be left in the lurch and Germany, you can’t rely, even across all areas. Whether this is really appropriate, is the other question. AP heads of state among themselves (v. l.): German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin (Russia), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey) and Emmanuel Macron (France).

FOCUS Online : What do you mean?

Kunz : It is a mixed picture. It is not by chance, but it is not so, that Germany is good for nothing. It is not as dramatic as it will be displayed in some French hardliners. Germany has often simply other priorities than France. Some of the bad reputation in Germany.

FOCUS Online : Why?

Kunz : First, there is the old guard, the France as a world power understands and all alone, want to be able to the political fringes. Then there are those who prefer to work more closely with the British than with Germany. The largest group thinks, but simply that what France is doing is right, and the Well-being of the whole of Europe. And Germany does not want to see it just and appropriate to support. The point is: the French interests and, above all, priorities do not coincide often with the Germans.

France understands seriousness of the situation

FOCUS Online : What is France, because defense of power politics better than Germany?

Kunz : defense questions give you a fair value. This is true in the case of the French, as a priority, and important. In Germany this is more of ‘nice to have’. And that will put Germany in front of big problems.

FOCUS Online : How?

Kunz : The security situation is going to deteriorate drastically. Because it makes times better. This is not to say that Germany is a white to God where upgrade need. But the Germans should take all this carefully and think about the serious. Here in France we are taking this seriously. The French make with safety.

FOCUS Online : What?

Kunz Strategic Thinking. French strategy documents are very clear and derive national interests for the coming decades. The German white books are much less clear. Beyond paper: strategic Thinking in a big Dimension is missing in Germany. AP German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

FOCUS Online What has from their point of view for reasons?

Kunz It is also a question of Culture. Germany has to give in the width, more competence in security issues and more awareness of the importance. For me, this is the crucial point.

information about attacks in kindergartens

FOCUS Online : Why the French are in respect of sensitive?

Kunz Because you have to think only of the terror attacks in Paris three years ago. The threat is much more present. In each Kindergarten, a poster that informs about how to do in case of assassination behavior. This of course has an impact on the everyday life of the people. And people have experienced it in the flesh.

FOCUS Online : Well, but in Berlin there was the attack on the Breitscheidplatz.

Kunz : I don’t want to say, that was bad. But the extent of the impact is absolutely not comparable. You can want only that and nothing happens, what would change that.

Europe: threats from the South and East,

FOCUS Online What is pressing European issues in terms of military cooperation?

Kunz : As we come to terms with the threats in the South and in the East is clear. And how we guarantee the security of Europe. In the East of deterrence is for the military, ultimately, the main role. And it needs to be mobile. What is not chic, neither in Germany nor in France: everything that has to do with logistics. Alexander Shulman/AP/Reuters A Ukrainian army soldier stands with his heavy machine gun at an unknown location in Eastern Ukraine

FOCUS Online : Why would that be important?

Kunz : In Russia, one could not, for example, send the Signal that we are at risk only so that If you invaded in the East, article 5 of the Washington Nato Treaty. An attack against one ally is an attack against all. The deterrent is credible, because we have also logistically the ways to move our troops. The military has, but ultimately, only one exporting character. The ultimate choice must be made at the political level, also English-French.

FOCUS Online What, in your opinion, the biggest challenge for European foreign policy?

Kunz : How to do it with America. There is a structural institutional change. This is also true for the TRANS-Atlantic region. It is not just Trump, is long overdue. It’s actually a miracle that it has worked so long. And then you must consider that Europe urgently, as it goes on. And that is the joint responsibility of Germany and France. All of the stories from France

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