Shortly before the second anniversary of the terrorist attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz, the Federal government has brought the long-demanded Reform of the so-called victims compensation act. The aim is to improve support to victims of Violence.

The by the Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs presented a draft for the Reform of the social compensation law, will have just voted in the Federal, as well as with the countries and associations, said a Ministry spokesperson on Saturday the daily mirror.

Thus, to get victims and survivors to higher compensation. Nationwide emergency aid in special Trauma ambulances are planned. “The goal of the new law is that more people will quickly, in a targeted and unbureaucratic help,” said the spokeswoman. This was an essential consequence of the impact of the terrorist attack on the breitscheid Platz.

improvements for victims of mental violence

With the modernization of the auxiliary systems in accordance with today’s realities for the first time, we will also help Victims of psychological violence. In addition, it is planned that all victims of acts of violence in Germany, regardless of their nationality and to be treated by the status of residence.

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for Free order

“This is a very important improvement,” said the victims ‘ Commissioner of the Berlin Senate, Roland Weber: “I can still remember the awkward conversation with the Israeli Victims of the terrorist attack from the breitscheidplatz. The victim, officer of the Federal government, Kurt Beck, had to, and I agree that you get as a Non – EU – citizens have fewer benefits than the Italians.“

Not as a supplicant occur

Also another Problem is that the victims of the attack had all the way from breitscheidplatz, could now be solved, said Weber. “Because the act was committed with a motor vehicle, had to enter the so-called transport assistance to victims. As a result, only 7.5 million euros were grants available, which are not sufficient in the case of events with several dead and injured.“

According to the draft law, the victim compensation law could now also be in assaults with a motor vehicle, said Weber: “The parties can decide, where you make your claims, and you would not need to occur as a supplicant.”

More about

attack on breitscheidplatz, the 3.8 million euros in compensation for victims of the Berlin attack

victims ‘ associations are now able to deliver its opinion on the reform bill, said the spokesperson of the Ministry of social Affairs. In the spring Süperbahis of 2019 to address the Cabinet, from 2022, it could enter into force. Some of the performance improvements should, however, be applied retroactively as from July 2018 – about the monthly payments to orphans, and to the increase of funeral expenses.