Back to the sender. On the 1st of December, the violence is also verbal. While the Arc de Triumph was undergoing significant degradation, a bank is burned, a luxury boutique, to two steps from the Elysée, is looted, then the two are tagged with the same words : “OK, Manu is going through”.

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Emmanuel Macron candidate for the champion of straight talk. Emmanuel Macron, president lags like a bullet to his improvisations verbal thundering – and that, in fact, resound in the country more than any of his speeches. The head of State often say beautiful, even its opponents agree. But, to him, one retains only the punchlines, and his words have become weapons that are turned against him. “I know it happened to me to hurt some of you by my remarks,” he acknowledged Monday night.

A president should not say it

“Lazy”, “money crazy”, “Gauls refractory”… A president should not say this, season 2, episode 10. It was thought Emmanuel Macron is better placed than any other to know that a head of State had to hold his tongue. On 15 September, the Elysee palace is Supertotobet open to the public for heritage Days. Just before 16: 30, it appears in the gardens and begins his walkabout. It is at 16h52 he met Jonathan. He was 25 years old, lives in Beaune-la-Rolande, in the Loiret, is accompanied by his mother and gets in to these places for the first time. He calls out the president :

– “I may send CV, letters of motivation, it’s no use.”

“You want to work in what sector ?”

– “Me, I’m a horticulturist, I have sent all over the world, in the city halls, they don’t take.”

– “If you are ready and motivated… Hotels, cafés, restaurants, I crossed the street, I think, they just want people who are willing to work with the constraints of the business.”

– “Me, personally, I do not have a problem.”

– “Don’t waste time to write to me to me. You make a street in Montparnasse with all the restaurants and cafes, I am sure that there are 1 of 2 who recruits at this time. So go for it !”

– “Understood, thank you.”

– “Thank you.”

The exchange is courteous, the head of State continues his walk until 17: 30. Except that…

Except that a television camera entered the exchange, and a journalist of le Figaro, in which the video will be viewed 2.3 million times. For three days, the public debate revolved more around a single topic, the social networks will give heart to joy, Jonathan knows his quarter of an hour warholien, invited on all the tv shows. Politicians and editorialists to discuss with antenna length, “this is the moment Leonarda Macron”, written Obs (in reference to the collégienne expelled in Kosovo, which had directly responded to Francois Hollande). Even The Team found the means to devote one’s One : the day of the match Liverpool-PSG, with a photo parodying the Beatles, the daily puts four stars of the parisian club with the title : “A road to cross”. In his office, Agnès Buzyn cursed contrary winds : already, his plan, poverty has not broken the sound barrier, this time, it is his health plan, which was presented on 18 September, which will go outside of the radar.

An allusion to the Beatles and… “at the same time” to Emmanuel Macron.

The Team

“It is said that it takes a speech of truth”

The machine became crazy, out of control. The Elysée is trying to defend a method, while seeking to deflate like balloons. “It is the grammar of the president, it will change nothing, says a councillor. It is said that he maintains a discourse of truth.” “When he meets Jonathan, he has just spent three hours going back up the queue of visitors [in reality, a little less than half an hour], he has had dozens of interactions with people, it does not say that the president should not talk !” noted another.

at the same time, the presidency turns into a job center and support the national Federation of producers of horticulture and nursery (FNPHP) to find a solution. “We called Jonathan, measured the brakes objectives to the access to employment that it encountered, such as the absence of a permit, and discussed with him the right attitude to have vis-à-vis an employer, tells the director of the FNPHP, Julien Legrix. In a few days, we collected between 20 and 30 job vacancies in his department, the Loiret, some with proposals of accommodation.”

The beginning of a solution ? Not really. “He has had offers of employment between the hands, we have not felt a huge motivation on his part, there was also an issue of compensation, it is true that this was not mirobolant.” Several messages are left on the telephone answering machine of the one who is holder of a CAP horticulture, without returning the calls. He was defending : “supposedly, I was getting proposals, but I only received the ones where I had already been recalibrated.”

Jonathan “at the bottom for the yellow vests”, but…

the Elysée palace, the counselor agriculture, fisheries, forest and rural development of the head of the State is mobilized. She receives an account of the FNPHP : “There is a lack of work, not base ! It is not available for job interviews.” Before the outpouring in the media, the presidency encourages us to look at the profile of the person concerned. Lors of his school career, Jonathan, before the horticulture, had a privileged… the restoration, the track raised in front of him by Emmanuel Macron to find a job “crossing the street”. It now requires more help, and refers to his scooter broke that prevents it from moving.

a Few days later, Synergy, a temporary employment agency Montargis, finds him a job of forklift driver. Two successive missions of fifteen days, before the return of the precariousness. Because, this time, it is the yellow vests who are involved, such as a summary of this fall’s catastrophic for the president. “I’m out for them, says Jonathan at The Express, but they should let the trucks do not block the roundabout next to me, because I can no longer work.” He has never voted, it is not tomorrow that it will begin : “Macron, it is one of the worst presidents. The ecological transition, it is all well and good, but he does not speak of employment.”

“This young man, I was right to say it”

This is not only the history of the France of above and the France of in bottom, it is that of the president and of France in front, and it is not certain that it wins the exchange : two worlds who no longer understand. Violence of the situation. The head of State is not wrong in what he says this afternoon on the lawn of the Elysee, Jonathan is not wrong to have the feeling of staying on the side of the road, not having the keys to get out of it. Then, when the words hurt…

later, during a trip to Saint-Martin, in the Antilles, in a sequence that was meant to be empathetic, the president will return to him-even on this episode : “This young man, I had reason to tell him that. […] I regret if sometimes it is wrong, but I do not regret to say. I get carried away sometimes with people because I’m natural.”

Read our complete file

yellow Vests: Taubira points to the responsibility of the left yellow Vests to Paris: 179 arrests, 144 police custody in the yellow Vests: Bordeaux, a scene of violence on Saturday

Between the exchange of the Elysée and the events of 8 December, the writer Kamel Daoud to write (The Point of 15 November) : “Voyeurism political, Macron is today a topic of choice. If he does not speak, he represents the king in his deity, his indifference ; if he speaks, he plays the decapitation with his head in the basket. (…) The buzz can be qualified as a new religion. Click, is to vote. To share, to denounce, or even to stone him. The only way, for the moment, to escape the digital divide when one is a politician, that is to make the clown. The buzz becomes a benefit and not a trial. Trump knows it. Macron must to find another solution and reinventing the presidential communication at the time of the laziness and the inability to control everything.”