MACRON – The yellow vests who are interviewed after the announcements made by Emmanuel Macron are all disappointed or angry. New events are preparing.

[updated, November 28 16h46] The head of State clearly has not provided evidence, either, to appease the wrath of the yellow vests during his intervention Tuesday, 28 November. Emmanuel Macron has made a long speech to show the path which will take the government to ensure the ecological transition. His intervention, which was like a general policy speech, has not convinced. A survey Opinionway for RTL, LCI and Le Figaro gives an account of the extent of the mismatch between the expectations of the French and the answers of the president : 76% of respondents consider that the announcements of Emmanuel Macron is not sufficient, 78% consider that Emmanuel Macron must delete the new increase of taxes on the fuel. What it will not do. On Wednesday morning, Edouard Philippe hammered, once again, that the increase of these taxes would be much effective as from 1 January 2019. But the government will establish a mechanism for adjustments to limit based on increases in the price of oil.

the reactions of The yellow vests are unanimous, if we are to believe the testimonies collected by the regional press. “It will not do anything, it is a dialogue of the deaf”, if that annoys with the Parisian Corinne Cartau. Another yellow jacket adds in the columns of the journal : “The fuel, it has a good back ! Me, if I wear the vest, it is to stop the impoverishment, ” says Corinne Cartau. I have five children. My husband receives a pension for disability. It remains for us as the house, but creditors are in a hurry…”. And another protester added : “What I understood, it is in three months, we’ll see . The State we do not listen… Macron doesn’t want to let go, he takes us for idiots”. Europe 1 reports the reaction of Christophe, a yellow jacket from the North : “I think he wants to drag things out, hoping that the movement is losing steam. […] He did not give up, no one will let go of anything either. As you can see that he cares really of the world, I believe that the anger will increase, rather than soothe”. “I was enraged at my tv,” explains a yellow jacket Meaux interviewed by France Bleu, which reports the words of Peter, another protester : “I expect the resignation of the president, he no longer has any credibility”.

“I can tell you that next Saturday, this will still be the mess here. In fact, it does not tell us anything at all, he told of his Klasbahis life, that’s all ! It gave nothing, no concrete measures,” says Robert, another protester contacted by France Bleu chef in Lunéville in the Meurthe-et-Moselle. And his comrade, Jean-Paul added : “Mr Macron is totally up to the west. He no longer has feet on the ground. I have the impression that he takes us for retards. With her kind words of technocrats, there is not a lot of French who have understood, indeed many have told me that they had understood nothing. And when you put your ear, you realize that it numbs people.”

A new manifestation in Paris on Saturday

The act 3 of the engagement is released now. On Tuesday evening, the minister of the ecological Transition has received two spokespersons of the yellow vests, who are left “disappointed” with their care. “We expressed the feeling that it was compared to the media outlets of the president, [and the fact] that the French are not really not convinced,” said Eric Drouet, a truck driver named “messenger” of the protesters a few days ago. And indicate that the event in paris would indeed take place on Saturday 1st December. “It’s starting to annoy all of the yellow vests who are on the field. The feeling that one has today, is that no, there was no real desire to improve the lives of the people. Next Saturday is maintained,” he said. With Midi Libre, Thomas Miralles, another spokesperson in the same sense : “It is decided, there will be an act 3 Saturday, in Paris, on the Champs-Elysées. Yes, it’s going to continue.”

According to the official figures of the ministry of the Interior, the protesters were 282 000 on the first Saturday of the mobilization, on the 17th of November. The yellow vests were 106 000 Saturday, November 24, a day marked by major incidents on the Champs Elysées in Paris. For the mayor of the capital, Anne Hidalgo, it is necessary that the State gives more guarantees on Saturday 1st December for the meeting will be held in better conditions than last week. According to Le Figaro, the operation of piétonnisation of the “most beautiful avenue in the world” will be cancelled, but the municipality will ask for more resources from the services of the Prime minister.

Article the most-read – yellow Vests : following the movement ” See the news