CD&V-star Marc Van Peel can the recent rate of N-VA, with whom he is in the Antwerp city council, but little taste. The havenschepen hates the controversial campaign images against the migratiepact of the Flemish nationalists. “In the past, I defended N-VA. That is a decent, right-wing party, ” I said then. I’m not going to do more.”

The 69-year-old Of Peel, within two weeks, a farewell of politics. He was a member of parliament, senator, president of the former CVP and is since year and day havenschepen in Antwerp. “After my farewell, I go silent about the politics,” he says in an interview with The Sunday. But for now he has some sharp comments, under, more about N-VA.

“I see a global trend of movements that focus on themselves. The Brexit is a terrible consequence of this. Also N-VA is taking part in,” the CD&V’er. Migration is a debate worth. But the way in which N-VA that tackles, no, that’s not right.” Of Peel Neyine referring to the photographs against the migratiepact with slogans like ‘UN-migratiepact = focus on preserving the culture of the migrant’.

“Happy that my party does have a decent path to follow”

the campaign, “went far over the wrote,” stresses the Antwerp havenschepen. “They are spawns of people who do not have enough, or who think that, by pointing to the stranger. They hunts people fear. I am glad that my party does have a decent path to follow.”

Where Van Peel, the party of mayor Bart De Wever has defended, he will now no longer do. “In the past, I defended N-VA is always against people who said that an extreme right-wing party such as the Vlaams belang. That is a decent, right-wing party, ” I said then. I’m not going to do more.”

To both parties on the same line, will Of Peel not to have said. “But N-VA is going too far in trying to keep from voters that Vlaams belang think.” Such concerns, discuss the CD&V,’not there with The Weaver, he says. “We adhere strictly to the code: we talk about Antwerp politics, not about national politics.”

Marc Van Peel. Photo: Frederik Beyens More about N-VA Minister De Croo (Open VLD) about the political deadlock: “What are we going to do that we are not our time to waste?” Jan Jambon has a clear message for the premier: “If Michel the support wants of the N-VA, then he will be our puppet” COMMENT. “Michel II will be a hand puppet of N-VA are or are not. An opening lets the party is not really more” Jan Jambon, after the resignation from the government: “When I campaign images saw, I thought, ” shit”