Stabell was one of Norway’s most well-known and respected lawyers, has been defence counsel in a wide variety of high profile criminal cases and has had Arne Treholt, Per Orderud, Stein Lillevolden and mulla Krekar on the client list.

Stabell has been known for its commitment against abuse from the police and other public authorities. Stabell has also been politically active, and lined up for the petition for the Red election alliance.

Stabell died Saturday morning after several weeks illness. He leaves behind wife, three adult children and grandchildren.

Photo: Henrik Laurvik / NTB scanpix Harald Stabells working life in pictures, 12 pictures

In 2007, Stabell attorney for Mullah Krekar in the Supreme court, when Krekar lost the civil case he brought against the Norwegian government for the decision to expel him to Iraq.

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Portrait of Harald Stabell 1986.

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Stabell was a defender for the defendant in the so-called Halloween-the murder that happened in October 2011. This is where he offended Marius Løken, who was stabbed and damaged by the defendant.

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Stabell was the attorney for Andrine Sæther and Lars Lillo-Stenberg in the trial against the magazine Se&Hør. Here from the case before Borgarting court of appeal in 2008.

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the Defendant in the NOKAS case Lars-Erik Andersen together with his attorney Harald Stabell. The picture is taken before ankebehandlingen of the NOKAS case in Gulating court of appeal in 2006.

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Harald Stabell was the attorney for the neighbors who fought against the controversial memorial at Utøya after the attack 22. July 2011.

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Stabell defended the long-time activist in the Blitz environment in Oslo, Stone Lillevolden, after that he was imprisoned after the demonstrations against Nato and the united STATES in 1987.

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Harald Stabell in the Supreme court before the appeal to the 25-year-old who threw a cake at finance minister Kristin Halvorsen in 2007.

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Harald Stabell was Per Orderuds lawyer in the Orderud case. Here are the two together in ankebehandlingen in Eidsivating court of appeal in 2002.

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Stabell was also the lawyer for Arne Treholt, in the case where the Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen in 2008 rejected the resumption of the Treholt case.

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In 2015, defended Stabell Red-leader Bjørnar Moxnes, in a case where the police directed Moxnes a fine of nok 15,000 for breach of the duty of confidentiality. Here sit the two together in the Oslo district court.

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Harald Stabell and John Christian the Fire before ankerettsaken in 2014, in connection with Sigrid-killing.

Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix Share Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Twitter Share on email Share on email – razor-Sharp and engaged,

Stabell has had a private law practice from 1985. Ellen Holager Andenæs has known Stabell since the two attended high school together.

I am very shocked and sad when I hear that now he is dead, I must really say, ” says Andenæs.

Attorney Ellen Holager Andenæs has known Harald Stabell in many years.

Photo: Grøtt, Vegard / NTB scanpix

– We’ve had fun together, both as colleagues and opponents. When I was ordenssjef in the Oslo police department and he was the attorney for blitzerne, it happened that we got together in the media and appeared furious at each other, but it was never personal.

– I think this is very sad. There is a lawyer I liked very well, and had great respect for.

In 2015, defended Stabell Red-leader Bjørnar Moxnes, who was acquitted of having violated the confidentiality of the so-called Lindeberg-case.

Red-head says Stabell whole life has taken matters in which he has defended people who have stood up against the system.

– Stabell was very engaged, and burned for justice. He was razor sharp, so it felt very reassuring to have him as a defender in court. It was also full disputed this claim, so he got the green light for what he wanted, ” says Moxnes.

Red-leader Bjørnar Moxnes and Harald Stabell.

Photo: Lise Merete Olaussen / NRK Liderbahis – Integrity and intellect

Lawyer Brynjar Meling has worked with Stabell in the Nokas case and the Krekar case.

– Harald is one of the colleagues I have who have meant the most for forsvarerstanden in Norway. He had a tremendous intellect and an integrity that made him a role model for all of us. He stood on the for their clients to “the bitter end”.

Meling says Stabell was good to listen, but at the same time not afraid to come with criticism. In those cases listened to, because the criticism from the Stabell was worth taking, ” says Meling.

Meling says forsvareryrket often can be seen as “a lonely battle against the rest”.

He could be a wonderful heiagjeng, if it stood alone against the rest of the world. You could then get a message or a pat on the shoulder in the hallways in the Oslo court house. He was generous with the promptings of the spirit or endorsements, and one who truly understood how you had it, ” says Meling.

Worked until the last

Stabell has also been the chairman of the association strafferettsutvalg in 12 years, and was the last member in the society’s rettssikkerhetsutvalg.

Marius Dietrichson is the leader in Forsvarergruppen in the bar association. Dietrichson says Stabell will be remembered for his skill, professional integrity, urgency and clear speech.

Marius Dietrichson, the leader of the Forsvarergruppen in the bar association

Photo: Caroline Drefvelin / NRK

– He’s going to be deeply missed, not only by colleagues, but of all in court, “says Dietrichson, who say it is difficult to associate Stabell to one particular case, because he has been defending for so many,” says Dietrichson, who points out that the Stabell was working as a defender until recently.

– It matches the picture we have of him, as one who devoted all his life to advokatyrket, ” says Dietrichson.

Stabell has also worked as a research assistant at the University of Oslo, deputy judge at Fosen district court and as a consultant at the Norwegian labour Inspection authority. Stabell has also been a regular advocate of the Supreme court in åremålstiden in eight years.

as recently as august was Stabell defender in Drammen district court, where a man was sentenced to nine years in custody for having stabbed a 17-year-old girl.

– Dedicated and human values –

In 2008 was Stabell lawyer for Lars Lillo-Stenberg and Andrine Sæther in the trial of See&Hear. Lillo-Stenberg says that he had the great pleasure of getting acquainted with the lawyer.

Harald Stabell together with Lars Lillo-Stenberg and Andrine Sæther in connection with the trial of See&Hear.

Photo: Cornelius Poppe / SCANPIX

– I experienced him as a man who had a dedicated and human values. Professional was he, so we developed not a relationship beyond the case and the meetings we had always in his office, but I felt we got a good and personal contact in mutual respect.

It is sad that he now has left the office for always, add Lillo-Stenberg.

Lawyer Harald Stabell defended Per Orderud in the Orderud case. In a portrettintervju in you love with a course in march 2002, he spoke about the trial, injustice in society and life. You need javascript to see the video.

Lawyer Harald Stabell defended Per Orderud in the Orderud case. In a portrettintervju in you love with a course in march 2002, he spoke about the trial, injustice in society and life.

Loads Twitter content Could not load the content, but you can go to twittermeldingen. Lawyer Harald Stabell said in a portrettintervju in 1988 that he believed he did a better job when he was involved in the cases he worked with. – I could probably not be able to given a good defense for a neo-nazi. You need javascript to see the video.

Lawyer Harald Stabell said in a portrettintervju in 1988 that he believed he did a better job when he was involved in the cases he worked with. – I could probably not be able to given a good defense for a neo-nazi.