The left turn? The conservative Jan Tore Sanner (pictured) believes the Labour party has gone to the left under Jonas Gahr Støres management. Photo: Roger NeumannHøyre-Sanner believes Støre has been Ap-left: – Have you forgotten the pragmatism, Jonas?OPINIONS

the Labour party appears no longer as a pragmatic styringsparti on the left. After Jens Stoltenberg took a trip to Brussels, Ap in less and less degree practiced the old lesson that one must “create to share”.


JAN TORE SANNER, deputy chairman of the Right

Recent Ap forward its alternative budget for 2019. It is the rødeste the proposed budget Støre has put forward as the party leader. It will be more expensive to work on and more expensive to create jobs, as a result of the biggest tax – and avgiftsøkningen since 2013. The relatively high straffeskatten on the Norwegian ownership, net wealth tax, will increase significantly.

In addition, they will reverse the reduction in corporate taxes, despite the fact that this was the confederation’s premier wants, to the politicians at this year’s national budget was presented.

The economic and political craft to the old styringspartiet on the left is also not particularly impressive. Ap breaks with the respected principles in skattepolitikken to get inndekning: They are moving away from the principle that tax on income, and dividends should be approximately equal to avoid adjustments to the tax system and “incentives to skattemotivert the transfer of capital between the person and the company,” to use the Aps own words from the treatment of the Scheel-selection.

On top of this they avoid to use the treasury department’s estimates for the savings by cuts of 350-kronersgrensen. On the way to borrow the techniques of creative accounting, which in the past was most commonly used from less fløypartier. However, it is not the first time this fall that the Ap copies the irresponsible venstresidens rhetoric and politics.

Then Støre launched the party’s valgkampsaker in the fall, it was “stop the commercialization of welfare”, among the cases. They introduce a new principle that care services, Betlike nursery, cleaning, kitchen and renovations should only be carried out by municipal employees, regardless of whether the quality of private actors is good or not. The the pragmatism that characterized the barnehageløftet for just over ten years ago – where both private, nonprofit and municipal were on the dugnaden, seems like a lost past. This dogmatic view of the private operators take the Right distance from the. We put the needs of the users for the quality and choice of the individual first, not the system.

This is not the only area where Aps styringsbehov goes beyond the private trader. In Tromsø, where the Labour party controls together with, among other Red, they say now no to the farming of fish outside of the closed facilities. It means the hook on the door for Tromsø’s only locally owned fish farms. Through the decision limits the AP business community the opportunity to find innovative ways to achieve sustainable growth. This type of industrial policy, I had not thought we would hear from the Labour party in 2018.

Actually started this politikkendringen with the fact that the party Red in 2017 demanding that all fish farms should take place in closed facilities. To me it seems as if the Ap in its search to close velgergapet to SV and Red, is trying to adopt parts of party politics and rhetoric.

On the most recent measurements are in Red, SV, MDG and Q approximately equal to together as the Ap. If the red side wins the majority at the election in 2021, will these parties, of course, require considerable attention. In exactly which area this is, we do not know, but it is unlikely that the passage will come in the areas that will get Norwegian jobs to the good. More likely it is that we f.ex. will see a shift in the oil and gasspolitikken and næringspolitikken – that it is more expensive to work and create new jobs.

Already, we see how Oslo, Rogaland and Finnmark Ap, AUF and more and more local branch in Ap will weaken the framework conditions for the Norwegian oil and gassnæring, which is an important cornerstone for the welfare state.

On the other areas already have the Ap changed its policy, away from the traditional support to Norwegian jobs and industry, in favor of venstrepopulistisk symbolpolitikk. An example is in the use of flexible mechanisms in climate policy. Where has the Labour party advocated to worsen industribedriftenes the competitive situation compared with foreign competitors, in that it is no longer open for the purchase of cers through the european klimaavtalen. All emission reductions shall be taken in Norway, although one can carry out bigger and more effective cuts in greenhouse gas emissions through the use of flexible mechanisms.

This is just some examples of the political actions the Labour party has taken in the last six months, as the Right believes draws the party away from the old slogan that the values must be created before they can be shared. We go for a time in the meeting where the revenue from the oil and gas industry can go down, at the same time as we become more elderly. Then it is bekymringsfult that the left does not take the need for that, we need to create more profitable jobs in the private sector, to finance the welfare.

Why do I feel a need to remind about the good mantra: “We need to create to be able to share”, in the hopes that the Ap will find back to his old identity.

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