In spite of that it managed Gældsstyrelsen to recover greater amounts from citizens and companies, which have debts to the public sector, growing the total debt by a Nerobet billion a month. In three years the debt has grown from 78 to 116 billion crowns.

“There are no longer any automatic debt recovery place, after that we had to close for the automation of gældsinddrivelsessystemet EFI in 2015. Now to recover the we manually. Restancesummen increases, because more go into debt, and running interest on the old debt. There are companies that have gone bankrupt or are on the way to it, and citizens who can’t pay, because they have low incomes. We do what we can”, says director Lars Nordahl from Gældsstyrelsen, that in these weeks send gældseftergivelsesbreve out to 485,000 japanese persons who owe money to the public.